Home / News / GA Legislative Session Ends Wednesday, We Still Have Work To Do

GA Legislative Session Ends Wednesday, We Still Have Work To Do

  • You have until Wednes­day at mid­night for the 2023 leg­isla­tive ses­sion.
  • HB237 — its the 3 page bill to name Lyons GA as the soap box der­by cap­i­tal of ga. It was amend­ed and now has 46 pages and noth­ing to do with the soap box der­by. The title remains the same and noth­ing but bet­ting. It is in the Sen­ate. If the sen­ate pass­es it, it will go back to the House and go in for up and down vote. It could go into a nego­ti­at­ed com­mit­tee between Jon Burns.
  • The Lt Gov of GA has tabled the HB520, but how bad does he want to legal­ize gam­bling and will there be nego­ti­a­tions between Jon Burns and Burt Jones to get both bills passed.
  • We need to have a NO vote. 237
  • There are 2 bills that Burt Jones real­ly wants HB237 and SB99. SB99 is not going any­where accord­ing to Kemp but Jones wants it.
  • Con­tact your Sen­a­tors and Rep­re­sen­ta­tives. HB520 is not dead yet until Wednes­day at mid­night.
  • Trump is the front run­ner. DeSan­tis does­nt stand a chance. The media is going crazy after Trump for say­ing the Pledge of Alle­giance. We have a Pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States that is fac­ing polit­i­cal pro­ce­duc­tions. We have polit­i­cal pris­on­ers in this coun­try.
  • Trump is talk­ing about real solu­tions. Peo­ple are fed up with the rhetoric and want real action.
  • Hakeem Jef­feries says that if Trump con­tin­ues some­one will get killed. Why does­n’t jef­feries call Bragg, Willis or Smith to tell them We have to put a stop to the divi­sion the demo­c­rat par­ty is cre­at­ing in this coun­try because it is dan­ger­ous.
  • CNN in the morn­ing there are a cou­ple of peo­ple attempt­ing to do the news. Now MSNBC has made a 100% com­mit­ment to be a full time com­mer­cial for the DNC and the Deep State. It is so cor­rupt over there, it is unknown how they will get away with the in kind con­tri­bu­tions.

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