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The Workings of the Realignment of the Balance of Power in the World

  • Nation­al aver­age is 3.60 for a gal­lon of gas. Just a reminder
  • Job growth totals near expec­ta­tions as hir­ing pace slows. Lay­offs are start­ing to hap­pen.
  • US bank lend­ing slumps by most on record in the final weeks of march. Inter­est rates are sky­rock­et­ing, banks crash­ing, lay­offs. This is the brakes being pun­ished. Banks have to loan mon­ey to fund the bank. And the work being done around the world to deval­ue the dol­lar.
  • They call Robert Kennedy Jr all kinds of names and he just announced his can­di­da­cy for pres­i­dent. RFK jr tweets: The Fed just announced it will intro­duce its fed NOw cen­tral bank dig­i­tal cur­ren­cy (CBDC in July. CBD­Cs grease the slip­pery slope to finan­cial slav­ery and polit­i­cal tyran­ny.
  • They are work­ing to realign the bal­ance of pow­er in the world. Maybe you blame that one trump. Around the July area in 2023 keep your eyes open.
  • Over 1000 peo­ple now face charges in con­nec­tion to Jan 6 riots. WE have gone from 6 Chris­tians killed by a trans gen­der ter­ror­ist. And the only thing the deep state got out of it was sym­pa­thy for the trans­gen­der com­mu­ni­ty. And a vehi­cle to exploit black peo­ple and take your guns. The insur­rec­tion in TN involv­ing Justin Jones and Justin Pear­son they were expelled. Glo­ria John­son was not. The Ten­nessee Three is what they are called. Joe Biden met with the TN3 to thank them for their lead­er­ship and courage in the face of a bla­tant dis­re­gard of our nation’s demo­c­ra­t­ic val­ues. Our coun­try needs to take action on gun vio­lence and to do that we need more voic­es like theirs speak­ing out.
  • All they talk about is democ­ra­cy while we are a con­sti­tu­tion­al repub­lic. Joe spends his entire life in the sen­ate and he under­stands the rules of the sen­ate and the dress code of the sen­ate. And if you are out of line they will remove you. TN3 incit­ed a riot in the TN state capi­tol.
  • Major­i­ty of Nashville coun­cil mem­bers say they will vote to rein­state expelled leg­is­la­tor
  • Kamala Har­ris at Fisk Uni­ver­si­ty on TN3: A democ­ra­cy says you dont silence the peo­ple, you dont sti­fle the peo­ple, you dont turn off their micro­phones when they are speak­ing That is not what a democ­ra­cy does
  • Biden or Har­ris cant go to East Pales­tine OH. They dont vis­it to talk to the fam­i­lies of the Chris­tians that were killed but Har­ris can hop on a plane and incite a riot. They orga­nized this and fund­ed this in TN. Why not orga­nize gun vio­lence in oth­er state hous­es.
  • Head­lines: Kamala Har­ris meet­ings with TN law­mak­ers expelled over mass shoot­ing protest. TN3 lat­est: Biden speaks to expelled law­mak­ers.
  • TN repub­li­cans show exact­ly how to respond to left-win hostage-tak­ing. When 2 Demo­c­rat law­mak­ers joined a mob of left-win insur­rec­tion­ists who took over the TN Capi­tol last week, they were right­ful­ly expelled from the states gen­er­al assem­bly. The law­mak­ers vio­lat­ed the TN gen­er­al assem­blys deco­rum require­ments when they held up a protest sign and shout­ed into a bull­horn, encour­ag­ing left-wing riot­ers who were ille­gal­ly dis­rupt­ing leg­isla­tive pro­ceed­ings last week. They put the law­mak­ers life’s in jeop­ardy and Joe Biden and Kamala Har­ris are doing all they can to sup­port TN3.
  • Bidens state­ment: Rather than debat­ing the mer­its of the issue, these repub­li­can law­mak­ers have cho­sen to pun­ish silence and expel duly elect­ed rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the peo­ple of TN. A strong major­i­ty of Amer­i­cans want law­mak­ers to act on com­mon sense gun safe­ty reforms that we know will save lives, but instead weve con­tin­ued to see repub­li­can offi­cials across Amer­i­ca dou­ble down on dan­ger­ous bills that make our school, places of wor­ship, and com­mu­ni­ties less sage. Our kids con­tin­ue to pay the price. It wont save lives. The bad guys will get the guns no mat­ter what. Chris­tians are dead because a trans­gen­der domes­tic ter­ror­ist killed 3 kids and 3 adults. And the Deep State prais­es trans­gen­der and trans­gen­der rights over the lives of those lost.

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