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Biden Admin Clueless on Secret Document Leak

  • Bidens dig­i­tal strat­e­gy: an army of influ­encers on social media.
  • House repub­li­cans plan a field hear­ing in NYC next week. They will be show­ing you how Alvin Bragg has politi­cized his office to go after Trump while oth­ers in NY cant get jus­tice.
  • The five that were killed at the Louisville old nation­al bank shoot­ing vic­tims. There is a police offi­cer that had brain surgery and is crit­i­cal con­di­tion
  • Jus­tice depart­ment asks appeals court to block rul­ing that imper­ils access to abor­tion drug mifepri­s­tone. Drug com­pa­ny lead­ers con­demn rul­ing inval­i­dat­ing FDA approval of abor­tion pill. If courts can over­turn drug approvals with­out regard for sci­ence or evi­dence, or for the com­plex­i­ty required to ful­ly vet the safe­ty and effi­ca­cy of new drugs any med­i­cine is at risk for the same out­come as mifepri­s­tone.
  • Biden admin try­ing to assess scope of secret doc­u­ment leak. Watch what hap­pens with the doc­u­ments. You will find out that the US sup­port­ed the riots in Israel. Leaked Pen­ta­gon papers reveal US spies caught Rus­sia boast­ing of a deal with UAE to work togeth­er against US and UK and Egypt had plans to arm Putin with mis­siles. US is spy­ing on Zelen­sky: the high­ly clas­si­fied Pen­ta­gon doc­u­ments which were leaked online in recent weeks. Pen­ta­gon leak shows South Korea torn on send­ing Ukraine weapons. South Korea did not want to get involved. Israel does­nt want to be involved. S. Korea is very upset with the leaks because of the region they are in. and the Biden admin fund­ed the riots in Israel because they did­nt get involved in Ukraine. There will be a lot that will come out of these leaks.
  • Biden is going to Belfast

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