Home / Shows / TX Judge Stops FDAs 2‑pill Abortion That Starves Unborn Human

TX Judge Stops FDAs 2‑pill Abortion That Starves Unborn Human

  • Chi­na is mak­ing deals every­day. Ukraine is next.
  • In 2024 there will be the run­ning with Trump or run­ning against Trump. There are 435 in the house and 100 in the sen­ate. They are work­ing now to do every­thing now to stop Trump from being the nom­i­nee. Favor­a­bil­i­ty down 4%.
  • They are try­ing to say that repub­li­cans are want­i­ng to have the nom­i­nee to run with. They can’t run with Trump to min­i­mize the loss­es in the sen­ate and retain the house. Repub­li­cans behind the scenes are say­ing that if Biden gets his sec­ond term and they lose the house that gives the speak­er­ship to Hakeem Jef­fries is a far left pro­gres­sive. Kevin McCarthy will back Trump until he sees the gav­el out of his hands. It will be repub­li­cans that stop Trump. The sen­ate seats that are up fro grabs. Rick Scott (FL), Ted Cruz (TX), Kristin Cin­e­ma (AZ), NV there is a chance, MO is a chance, Josh Haw­ley (MO), Mar­sha Black­burn (TN, there is a rea­son for the insur­rec­tion), OH is vul­ner­a­ble, PA, WV, VA. watch what is about to hap­pen.
  • They keep talk­ing about the judge over­rul­ing the FDA. They put pres­sure on the FDA to approve the abor­tion pill. Judges Abor­tion pill opin­ion tells the truth about Unborn Humans and the left cant stand it. A Dis­trict Court rul­ing halt­ing fed­er­al approval of the com­mon­ly used abor­tion pill mifepri­s­tone has drawn intense inter­est in the pre­sid­ing judge, Matthew Kac­s­maryk, an appointee of for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump who pre­vi­ous­ly worked as an attor­ney for a reli­gious free­dom legal group not­ed for oppos­ing LGBTQ rights and abor­tion. The Judges deci­sion froze the FDAs approval of the abor­tion-pill com­bi­na­tion, mifepri­s­tone and miso­pros­tol. The court then explained the drugs and their func­tion­ing. Mifepri­s­tone is a syn­thet­ic steroid that blocks the hor­mone prog­es­terone, halts nutri­tion and ulti­mate­ly starves the unborn human until death. But because mifepri­s­tone alone will not always com­plete the abor­tion. The FDA man­dates a two step drug reg­i­men mifepri­s­tone to kill the unborn human, fol­lowed by miso­pros­tol to induce cramp­ing and con­trac­tions to expel the unborn human from the moth­ers womb.
  • This pill starves the unborn child to death. It is in the rul­ing. The FDA man­dates a two step drug reg­i­men that kills the unborn human fol­lowed by the drug to induce cramp­ing and con­trac­tions to expel the unborn human from the moth­ers womb.

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