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In Search Of The Leaker Who Fits The Profile

  • Man­hat­tan DA Alvin Bragg receives anoth­er threat­en­ing let­ter and white pow­der.
  • Revealed: Leak­er who post­ed top secret Pen­ta­gon doc­u­ments in a Dis­cord group works at a mil­i­tary base and is in his 20s as a close friend described him as fit, strong, armed and trained Like some­thing out of a crazy movie the man who leaked a trove of US mil­i­tary and intel­li­gence doc­u­ments from the fall of 2022 until mid March this year has been described by those who knew him. He is referred to as OG by mem­bers of the chat room he admin­is­tered on Dis­cord, and said to be in his ear­ly 20s with a job on a US mil­i­tary base. The FBI and Pen­ta­gon are now hunt­ing for OG — described as a young, charis­mat­ic man who loves nature, God shoot­ing guns and rac­ing cars. They are look­ing for some­one, in the next cou­ple of days they will find the per­son to meet the descrip­tion. Images cir­cu­lat­ing online reveal clues that point to the leak­ers iden­ti­ty. This pic­ture shows an Eng­lish-lan­guage instruc­tion man­u­al for a hunt­ing scope in the back­ground.
  • This is what we find out in the leaked doc­u­ments. Rus­sia fired a mis­sile at a manned British RAF jet over Black Sea and only a mal­func­tion stopped it from being blown out of the sky, leaked doc­u­ments revealed.
  • Trump sug­gests Biden blew up the Nord Stream pipeline and warns Chi­na could replace the USA as the dom­i­nant super­pow­er which will be like los­ing a World War.
  • TN demo­c­rat Justin Pear­son reap­point­ed to state House.
  • US Ukraine says many war secrets are safe from intel leaks. MSNBC nev­er touched the intel leaks. Zelen­sky embez­zled 400 Mil­lion. That is hit­ting the world news cycle. Ukraine is steal­ing US tax mon­ey and wash­ing it out. Now on this side there is a leak of war doc­u­ments and in those doc­u­ments Rus­sia would have blown out of the air a British jet. The next lay­out will be the per­son who will be found.
  • Scott says GOP starved for hope as he moves towards 2024 bid.
  • This is the moth­er of the shoot­er in KY at the bank. No words can express our sor­row, anguish, and hor­ror at the unthink­able harm our son Con­nor inflict­ed on inno­cent peo­pleThere were nev­er any warn­ing signs or indi­ca­tions he was capa­ble of this shock­ing act. The gov­er­nor of TN has already caved to the insur­rec­tion­ist and signed an exec­u­tive order with red flag laws. Give every­one a men­tal eval­u­a­tion before pur­chas­ing a gun. Dont think thats not the game plan at the end of the day.
  • PBS joins NPR in back­ing away from Twit­ter. PBS and NPR are angry because Musk has called them state fund­ed media.

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