Home / Shows / Kemp Wont Support Trump In 2024 As He Is Making A Move To Take Over GA GOP

Kemp Wont Support Trump In 2024 As He Is Making A Move To Take Over GA GOP

  • Voice of Rur­al Amer­i­ca where we make pre­dic­tions and they come true. Every­thing is hyper-speed in GA.
  • There is a major plan in place to stop Don­ald Trump as the nom­i­nee in Ga.
  • Too many coun­ties got rid of the estab­lish­ment in front of their coun­ty par­ties. The biggest con­flict is in Chero­kee Coun­ty. Mod­er­ate and Rhi­nos are tak­ing over the coun­ties. If they allow the Rinos and estab­lish­ments to car­ry the water it will only be a mat­ter of time to allow the coun­ty to flip blue. They are cre­at­ing a new repub­li­can par­ty in GA. Bri­an Kemp is work­ing on a new repub­li­can par­ty because the grass­roots has tak­en over too much of the par­ty. They want every­one in the repub­li­can par­ty to bow down to Kemp. They will start rechart­ing the coun­ties.
  • Last Tues­day at the Pick­ens Co Repub­li­can par­ty meet­ing, BKP addressed what was hap­pen­ing. They arent hap­py in Chero­kee Co. The new repub­li­can par­ty in Chero­kee coun­ty to unchart­ed the GOP. How are they going to get away with the cur­rent GOP, if you arent bow­ing down to ATL, you will start get­ting let­ters of vio­la­tions. You will get an estab­lish­ment that will not sup­port Don­ald Trump and are in sup­port of Kemp and Loef­fler in 2026.
  • EXCLUSIVE: GA Gov Kemp who cer­ti­fied fraud­u­lent 2020 elec­tion in State now cre­at­ing a new GOP where Trump sup­port­ers will have no voice. Kemp has been tasked with tamp­ing down the Trump sup­port in GA.
  • Orga­ni­za­tion forms in Chero­kee Coun­ty to move away from GOP? The Chero­kee Coun­ty Repub­li­can Coali­tion start­ed this week but why? Is Kemp get­ting ner­vous giv­en the newest Pres­i­den­tial polls?
  • UGA poll: Trump remains clear favorite among like­ly GOP vot­ers in GA. You need some­one inside the GOP, BKP told you when he first announced his can­di­da­cy for 1st Vice Chair. Kemps job is to get DeSan­tis over Trump.
  • GA gov Bri­an Kemp urges Repub­li­cans to move on from elec­tion fraud claims:
  • Repub­li­can donor retreat sug­gests Don­ald Trump is far from a coro­na­tion. Nashville- Don­ald Trump still gets top billing at this week­ends exclu­sive gath­er­ing of Repub­li­can donors.
  • Kemp makes a case for any­one but Trump in 2024. If Bri­an Kemp is the real deal, why is he not over the top say­ing that he will sup­port the nom­i­nee in GA and respect the vot­ers of GA for nom­i­nat­ing Trump. Why is he not sup­port­ing the hard­work­ing GA. The work starts now, and we hope youll join us. The road to the White House runs through GA. says kemp. Kemp is going to play a role to make sure that Trump does­nt get the nom­i­nee in GA
  • Kemp moves to take com­mand of the GOP leav­ing the state par­ty behind. If you dont think Rona isnt going to say that what­ev­er Bri­an Kemp does in GA will be ok. The estab­lish­ment made sure to keep the char­ter of the GOP around the coun­try. Bri­an has decid­ed to start a new par­ty
  • When you vote for the GAGOP offi­cers ask which ones plan the day after June 10 to go to Atlanta to meet with Bri­an Kemp to beg him for boo­ing him off the stage and wel­com­ing him in GA. The sad thing is Kemp will do every­thing to keep Trump from being the nom­i­nee. If you real­ly sup­port the GOP and are a con­ser­v­a­tive repub­li­can the first thing you do is run to CNN.
  • Do you know stop look­ing in the rear view mir­ror means? Accept the crimes, lies, cor­rup­tions, accept what hap­pened and move on. Any­one dwelling in the past are the bad peo­ple. Dis­tract­ed and look­ing back­ward equals shut up and do what your told.
  • June 10 is the State GOP con­ven­tion in Colum­bus

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