Home / Shows / Chaos Breaks Out In Major Cities, Corruption In Ukraine But Narrative Stays Same

Chaos Breaks Out In Major Cities, Corruption In Ukraine But Narrative Stays Same

  • We have pinned down the democ­rats: Abor­tion, Guns and Democ­ra­cy. ATL lost the DNC con­ven­tion so they can go to Chica­go. Wal­mart has closed 4 stores in Chica­go.
  • The Cor­rupt media is down­play­ing the vio­lence in the streets of Chica­go as the rea­son why Wal­mart is leav­ing Chica­go. They have lost bil­lions over the past sev­er­al years and it is not because they just strug­gle, it is because the streets are over­run with vio­lence and loot­ing. In 2020, after the George Floyd riots Wal­mart vowed to expand in Chica­go and just after 3 years they are clos­ing half of the stores in Chica­go.
  • Chaot­ic Scene unfolds in Down­town Chica­go as Teenagers van­dal­ize cars and gun­fire erupts. The may­or elect responds In no way do I con­done the destruc­tive activ­i­ty we saw in the Loop and lake­front this week­end. It is unac­cept­able and has no place in our city. How­ev­er, it is not con­struc­tive to demo­nize youth who have oth­er­wise been starved of oppor­tu­ni­ties in their own com­mu­ni­ties: Won­der if back­ground checks, red flag laws would have stopped the gun fire in Chica­go.
  • Wal­mart did­nt leave because they would­nt just make it hap­pen in Chica­go. Stores are clos­ing because of the destruc­tion in the com­mu­ni­ties. These kids have been put in the demo­c­rat plan­ta­tions with­in these cities and have been dev­as­tat­ed.
  • The kid that out­smart­ed the 3 stooges: Austin, Mil­ley, Biden
  • Vet­er­an reporter Sey­mour Hersh has uncov­ered a mas­sive embez­zle­ment of YOUR mon­ey in Ukraine, which is fund­ing BOTH sides of the war. The war­mon­gers always fund both sides of the war. Ukraine faces a cor­rup­tion inves­ti­ga­tion by the Pen­ta­gon Inspec­tor Gen­er­al over aid dis­tri­b­u­tion.
  • But the nar­ra­tive has to stay Guns, Abor­tion, and Democ­ra­cy

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