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Republicans Will Have To Switch The Conversation

  • They will do every­thing they can to push repub­li­cans into a cor­ner. The deep state cor­rupt cor­po­rate media will do what they can to cor­ner the repub­li­can par­ty and throw a flur­ry of push­es. Nev­er the vio­lence in our cities. 
  • Jim Jor­dan is going to NYC to high­light the abuse of Alvin Bragg. 
  • Yet the media wants to remind you of Men­tal Health in Amer­i­ca. More than 50% will be diag­nosed with a men­tal ill­ness dis­or­der in their life­time. 1 in 25 Amer­i­cans live with a seri­ous men­tal ill­ness. This is what they want because the guy that went into the bank nev­er sus­pect­ed this person. 
  • More polling on why Abor­tion is a good thing and a hot top­ic amongst politicians
  • Why is it so impor­tant to con­tin­ue this mur­der. Why is the mur­der of the unborn human. They will tell you that it is wom­en’s health and repro­duc­tive care. 
  • This is more impor­tant than infla­tion, inte­ri­or cities decay­ing and crum­bling around us as we watch. 
  • Repub­li­cans will have to switch the con­ver­sa­tion. They will have to be bullies. 
  • Gov of MD says MD is among states rac­ing to stock­pile abor­tion medicine. 
  • Repub­li­can Lind­sey Gra­ham is a prob­lem for the abor­tion. He should not be the spokesper­son for abortion. 
  • Repub­li­cans strug­gle on abor­tion issue. The con­sti­tu­tion is the con­sti­tu­tion. If we talk about the 2020 elec­tion we are sup­posed to accept the cor­rup­tion and move on. Same with Roe v Wade… when Roe v Wade went to court under the same con­sti­tu­tion. It was wrong 50 years ago and it is still wrong. Supreme put a halt on every­thing for 5 days for review. 
  • Repub­li­cans can no longer be silent: Nan­cy Mace warns repub­li­cans to speak out on gun vio­lence and find a com­pro­mise on abor­tion or face los­ing the 2024 elec­tion. The rea­son the media is putting repub­li­cans in the box on abor­tion. They want to con­vince you that you lost so many races in 2022 because of abor­tion and con­vince you that you need to expand your thoughts on abor­tion and gun rights. 
  • Attack­ing Amer­i­ca: Kamala Har­ris says pro-life poli­cies tar­get our democ­ra­cy at abor­tion rally
  • Tim Scott wants to talk about hope and where Amer­i­ca is going and they bring it back to abor­tion every­where he goes. 
  • Fet­ter­man return­ing to US Sen­ate after depres­sion battle
  • They want you to believe that the FDA passed 20 some­thing years ago for abor­tion. The Chem­i­cal abor­tion is a 2 pill reg­i­ment. This reg­i­ment is sold by telemed­i­cine. What is to say that the adult isn’t going on telemed­i­cine claim­ing to be preg­nant, the pills get mailed and it goes to a minor. Or the per­son lying about how far along they are. 
  • What is the patient expe­ri­ence of med­ica­tion abor­tion? Med­ica­tion abor­tion involved 2 med­ica­tions. Mifepri­s­tone is tak­en first oral­ly. Mifepri­s­tone starves the unborn child.  Miso­pros­tol tablets are placed in the mouth between cheek and gum 24 to 48 hours after tak­ing mifepri­s­tone. Miso­pros­tol caus­es intense abdom­i­nal cramp­ing and heavy bleed­ing. Light cramp­ing com­mon­ly lasts for sev­er­al days, and light bleed­ing fre­quent­ly occurs for sev­er­al weeks. Some patients have nau­sea or vom­it­ing, diar­rhea, and low-grade fever soon after tak­ing misoprostol. 
  • The lies and what they will not tell you. It was required to have 3 appoint­ments and now it is reduced down to 1 appoint­ment to get the pills. 
  • The media will try to set the nar­ra­tive. Not the fact that you are going fur­ther and fur­ther into debt. They are freak­ing out because Dobbs gave the rights back to the states and the states are ban­ning abor­tion and the democ­rats are get­ting mad. 
  • Joe Biden has looked at the cam­era and no one has pushed back say­ing that he has released a bud­get that will cut deficits all a lie. When all the media will talk about guns, abor­tion and democ­ra­cy while the deficit is up over last year by 13%. 
  • There is some­thing out there that Elon Musk says will cause civ­i­liza­tion­al destruc­tion and the media is stuck on gun vio­lence, killing an unborn child, sav­ing democracy. 

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