Home / Shows / Headlines: Alabama Shooting, G7, Chinese In Moscow, Twitter Access, Fl Abortion Ban

Headlines: Alabama Shooting, G7, Chinese In Moscow, Twitter Access, Fl Abortion Ban

  • Fet­ter­man returned to the US Sen­ate after a depres­sion bat­tle.
  • Fox News defama­tion tri­al delayed amid net­works push to set­tle dis­pute. Fox defama­tion tri­al post­poned; WSJ reports set­tle­ment attempt.
  • State­ment from Pres­i­dent Biden on Alaba­ma shoot­ing: This is out­ra­geous and unac­cept­able. Amer­i­cans agree and want law­mak­ers to act on com­mon sense gun safe­ty reforms. Instead, this past week Amer­i­cans saw nation­al Repub­li­can elect­ed lead­ers stand along­side the NRA in a race to the bot­tom on dan­ger­ous laws that fur­ther erode gun safe­ty. There was a shoot­ing in AL at a dance hall, 4 dead. And there was an NRA con­ven­tion.
  • G7 vows to quit fos­sil fuels faster, but no new dead­line.
  • Putin meets with Chi­nese defense min­is­ter in Moscow
  • Vot­ing equip­ment and check-in upgrades fund­ed in GA bud­get.
  • Bed­lam as hun­dreds of teenagers inun­date down­town Chica­go.
  • Elon Musk says gov­ern­ment access to twit­ter blew his mind. Gov­ern­ment had full access. Elon Musk makes a bomb­shell claim that the US gov­ern­ment could access Twit­ter users pri­vate mes­sages.
  • Is your phone real­ly lis­ten­ing to you? Tech expert explains why some online ads seem a lit­tle bit too coin­ci­den­tal.
  • Google CEO says he does­nt ful­ly under­stand how the new AI pro­gram Bard works after it taught itself a for­eign lan­guage it was not trained to and cit­ed fake books to solve eco­nom­ic prob­lems. These are the peo­ple that cre­at­ed the tech­nol­o­gy (google has cre­at­ed Bard).
  • Mur­der­ing the unborn chil­dren. Gov DeSan­tis signs 6‑week abor­tion ban in FL

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