Home / Shows / Total Of Nine Bidens Benefitted From Shady Deals With Shell Corporations

Total Of Nine Bidens Benefitted From Shady Deals With Shell Corporations

  • Six more bidens ben­e­fit­ted from Hunters shady deals, Repub­li­cans say Nine rel­a­tives includ­ing Hal­lie and Joes broth­er Jim are accused of being a part of an enter­prise that gen­er­at­ed exor­bi­tant amounts of cash. Repub­li­cans raise alarm about Biden fam­i­ly after trea­sury vis­it.
  • Nan­cy Mace: Read sev­er­al of those Sus­pi­cious Activ­i­ty Reports at the Trea­sury just now. The num­ber of Biden fam­i­ly mem­bers, involved (more than pre­vi­ous­ly known) the amount of mon­ey involved (astro­nom­i­cal), the shell com­pa­nies and the accu­sa­tions of pros­ti­tu­tion ringswild
  • They wire the mon­ey into the shell cor­po­ra­tions. They do a cou­ple of things to take you off the trail and then pay the con­sul­tants. Then the con­sul­tants pay the Biden fam­i­ly. This is much like what is hap­pen­ing with tax­pay­er mon­ey in Ukraine. This is what is being uncov­ered.
  • While we have the Biden crime fam­i­ly and expos­ing the SARs. The net­works arent report­ing on the SARs.
  • Return of civil­i­ty and san­i­ty into our city. Our cities are in total decay. Some­one has to become pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States. We are at a point where some­one has to be in charge.

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