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The Decay In America and Our Cities Are Crumbling

  • The decay in Amer­i­ca. Chica­go is over. CNN did a report that Wal­mart cant make mon­ey in Chica­go so they are pulling out.
  • May­or-elect Bran­don John­son defend­ing loot­ers and attack­ing cor­po­ra­tions. You cant con­done the loot­ing that cor­po­ra­tions con­tin­ue to do every sin­gle day when they take tax dol­lars from Black, brown and white folks all over the city of Chica­go so that they cant turn a prof­it That type of loot­ing has to be dis­rupt­ed as well. Thats what were call­ing for at this moment. Say­ing that peo­ple are loot­ing out of des­per­a­tion
  • Our cities are crum­bling and they are hid­ing it from you. We have com­mer­cial prop­er­ties that are emp­ty. When you go into the inner cities most of the stores are locked through­out the day and def­i­nite­ly at night.
  • Here is what is impor­tant: White man alleged­ly shoots black teen who went to the wrong house.
  • Abor­tion 24 hours a day. Not the cor­rup­tion of Joe Biden, Jim Jor­dan in NYC with the decay­ing cities and cor­rupt polit­i­cal DA, May­or Chica­go say­ing that Wal­mart is loot­ing the peo­ple, the decay of the inner cities.
  • Anoth­er Con­gres­sion­al report says COVID leaked from a lab: Biden admin­is­tra­tion fac­ing more pres­sure to release all the intel­li­gence virus ori­gins after an inde­pen­dent Repub­li­can probe found a litany of safe­ty issues at Wuhan Insti­tute. A 302-page Sen­ate report enti­tled Mud­dy Waters: the ori­gin of COVID-19 was pub­lished on Mon­day.
  • You drove the peo­ple crazy dur­ing COVID and you dont know what is wrong and you want bil­lions of dol­lars for men­tal health. And want­i­ng to tran­si­tion these chil­dren, mur­der­ing babies, and then talk about mass shoot­ings and tak­ing guns away from law abid­ing cit­i­zens. Talk about Mick­ey Mouse and Min­nie Mouse putting on the rain­bow hats the first ever Dis­ney­landAfter Dark Pride Nite is com­ing to Dis­ney­land dur­ing Pride month in June.
  • Dozens of Cook Coun­ty (Chica­go) employ­ees resign or are fired in the clerk of court coun­ty inspec­tor gen­er­al’s PPP fraud probe. 48 court clerks office employ­ees no longer work there after inves­ti­ga­tors found that they defraud­ed the fed­er­al COVID relief PPP. Six employ­ees of oth­er coun­ty agen­cies also have been found to have defraud­ed fed­er­al relief pro­grams. And the may­or is on TV talk­ing about cor­po­ra­tions are loot­ing the peo­ple and the peo­ple are jump­ing on cars and dam­ag­ing prop­er­ty with gun­shots, say­ing the peo­ple are deprived.
  • Then you have the House GOP Debt ceil­ing plan. They have nev­er lived in the inner cities and dont know what is going on. The admin­is­tra­tion print­ed dozens of tril­lions of mon­ey and had bil­lions of dol­lars stolen from the US that was sent to Ukraine. They have the gall to not look at any­thing but you need to be bow­ing down to Wash­ing­ton DC because it is tax day in Amer­i­ca. Tril­lions of your dol­lars stolen from tax­pay­ers dis­persed around the world.

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