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GOP Establishment is Useless

  • Yuengling beer trolls Bud Light with tweet cel­e­brat­ing their sta­tus as Old­est Brew­ery in Amer­i­ca that is fam­i­ly owned and oper­at­ed because we make good beer Bud­weis­er is pay­ing the price with the drop in stock
  • Col­orado becomes first trans­gen­der tourism state: Demo­c­ra­t­ic gov signs bill that allows chil­dren to trav­el for puber­ty block­ers even if drugs are banned where they live. Col­orado will become the first state to legal­ly pro­tect teen trans­gen­der treat­ment tourism as part of a trio of bills signed by its demo­c­ra­t­ic gov­er­nor. The new law means health­care providers can­not be sued by red states where gen­der-affirm­ing med­ica­tion and surgery are ille­gal if their res­i­dents trav­el to Col­orado for care. It makes Col­orado a safe haven for chil­dren under-18 with gen­der dys­pho­ria look­ing for puber­ty block­ers, hor­mone ther­a­pies and sex change oper­a­tions.
  • Step Aside Matt Walsh tells GOP estab­lish­ment youre wrong, Bud Light boy­cott mat­ters. Matt Walsh tweets the GOP estab­lish­ment wants us to aban­don the Bud Light boy­cott. Hell no. This is exact­ly why the GOP estab­lish­ment is use­less. The donor class is as use­less as the peo­ple they donate too.
  • Don­ald Trump will be the nom­i­nee, what will your state par­ty do? How will they han­dle this? Will they say it is use­less and pre­tend to go through the motions and scrap 2024 and look towards 2026
  • The nar­ra­tive they are try­ing to sell is that DeSan­tis can beat Biden and Biden will beat Trump.
  • I will be the third option Elon Musk tells Tuck­er Carl­son hell cre­ate rival AI called Truth GPT as he slams Microsoft and Google for train­ing AI to lie to peo­ple
  • The inter­view is breath­tak­ing between Tuck­er and Elon. The gov­ern­ment had full access to Twit­ter and per­son­al mes­sages. Elon has the deep state around the world and label­ing them as fake news

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