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Political Priorities of the Deep State

  • Polit­i­cal pri­or­i­ties.. They are work­ing to make sure that guns and abor­tion are stay­ing top of the nar­ra­tive. Not pro­tect­ing our chil­dren. Col­orado becomes first trans­gen­der tourism state: Demo­c­ra­t­ic gov signs bill that allows chil­dren to trav­el for puber­ty block­ers even if drugs are banned where they live. Col­orado will become the first state to legal­ly pro­tect teen trans­gen­der treat­ment tourism as part of a trio of bills signed by its demo­c­ra­t­ic gov­er­nor. The new law means health­care providers can­not be sued by red states where gen­der-affirm­ing med­ica­tion and surgery are ille­gal if their res­i­dents trav­el to Col­orado for care. It makes Col­orado a safe haven for chil­dren under-18 with gen­der dys­pho­ria look­ing for puber­ty block­ers, hor­mone ther­a­pies and sex change oper­a­tions.
  • Franklin Gra­ham: Last week Elon Musk tweet­ed that par­ents and doc­tors who put chil­dren through trans­gen­der med­ical treat­ments that cause ster­il­iza­tion should go to prison for life. It’s shame­ful that any adult would be part of feed­ing this con­fu­sion. Chil­dren and young peo­ple are suf­fer­ing life­long con­se­quences from drugs and surg­eries that maim body, mind, and spir­it. This mad­ness needs to stop.
  • Elon Musk told you that the deep state had full access to your pri­vate mes­sages. Elon Musk told you that AI was a dan­ger to civ­i­liza­tion.
  • There are a lot of peo­ple that are audi­tion­ing for VP. Trump held a ral­ly at Waco TX. He got indict­ed and made a speech that night. Trump is going up every sin­gle day. DeSan­tis is hav­ing trou­ble get­ting trac­tion out­side of FL. Kemp wants to take the GOP in a dif­fer­ent direc­tion. Run­ning for GOP 1st Vice Chair, the win­ner will have to sign a loy­al­ty oath to sup­port, endorse and work to get the repub­li­can nom­i­nee elect­ed in 2024. Yet Kemp makes a case for any­one but Trump in 2024. As Gov of FL, DeSan­tis is great. He is pro­tect­ing chil­dren. But DeSan­tis on the world stage might strug­gle a lit­tle bit. Sununu has said that Trump will not win NH, while Trump will do a ral­ly in NH. What hap­pens with those like Bri­an Kemp, Paul Ryan, Sununu when they work to nose­dive 2024.

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