Home / Shows / News: Disneyland Pride Nite, PPP Fraud Probe in Chicago, Debt Ceiling, Dominion & more

News: Disneyland Pride Nite, PPP Fraud Probe in Chicago, Debt Ceiling, Dominion & more

  • Fet­ter­man returns to the sen­ate after treat­ment for depres­sion.
  • McConnell is back. McConnell returns to the sen­ate after ear­ly March fall.
  • Dis­ney­land will host the first ever pride nite dur­ing After Dark Series. The first-ever Dis­ney­land After Dark: Pride Nite is com­ing to Dis­ney­land dur­ing Pride Month in June. This sep­a­rate­ly tick­et­ed event cel­e­brat­ing the LGBTQIA+ com­mu­ni­ty and allies will have themed enter­tain­ment, Dis­ney char­ac­ters, spe­cial­ty menu items and more.
  • Dozens of Cook Coun­ty employ­ees resign or are fired in clerk of court, coun­ty inspec­tor gen­er­als PPP fraud probe.
  • Mob takes over Comp­ton gas sta­tion, steals thou­sands worth of alco­hol, snacks
  • McCarthy pro­pos­es a one-year debt ceil­ing increase tied to spend­ing cuts. Dont know if repub­li­cans have the guts to do what they need to do.
  • George San­tos: Announce­ment: I am proud­ly announc­ing my bid for re-elec­tion for #NY03. This is about TAKING BACK our coun­try and restor­ing great­ness back to New York.
  • House GOP debt ceil­ing plan: One year debt lim­it increase, roll back domes­tic, non-defense spend­ing for 2022 lev­els, will try to pass in next few weeks.
  • Domin­ion-Fox News tri­al set to begin today. This is mak­ing the net­works very hap­py. It will make any­thing said against domin­ion ille­gal.
  • PUtin vis­its Ukraines Kher­son, Luhan­sk regions. Putin vis­its Rus­sians troops in occu­pied Ukraine.
  • Apple and Gold­man Sachs offer US sav­ings accounts with 4.15% annu­al inter­est. Go look up what the increase in deposits that Gold­man Sachs received from com­mu­ni­ty banks that they are clos­ing and Apple par­tic­i­pat­ed.
  • Gas today is $3.68 per gal­lon aver­age.
  • Six more Bidens ben­e­fit­ted from Hunters shady deals, repub­li­cans say: Nine rel­a­tives includ­ing Hal­lie and Joes broth­er Jim are accused of being part of enter­prise that gen­er­at­ed exor­bi­tant amount of cash

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