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Watching Civilization Crumble, People Living in Fear

  • We are watch­ing civ­i­liza­tion around us crum­ble. As our coun­try is in decay and in total chaos the only thing that is in the head­lines is the Fox Domin­ion Set­tle­ment.
  • Hon­or Dr. Charles Stan­ley Today. We could use a lit­tle Dr. Stan­ley in the world today.
  • Ful­ton pros­e­cu­tors offered immu­ni­ty deals to some GOP elec­tors. It is inter­est­ing times that the Ful­ton Co DA wants to cre­ate con­tro­ver­sy in the GOP. She offered a deal to their attor­ney to be rats.
  • The Uni­ver­si­ty sys­tem of GA may raise tuition to fill a state bud­get cut.
  • Kemp lays out a 2024 vision with­out Trump.
  • State schools chief Woods wants DeKalb to pause super­in­ten­dent hire. This is what the DeKalb coun­ty GOP should real­ly pay atten­tion to. They should be part of the fight in the super­in­ten­dent hire. DeKalb coun­ty school board announces sole super­in­ten­dent final­ist. He is from Chica­go and wait until you hear what he believes in.
  • Peo­ple are liv­ing in fear and things are col­laps­ing quick­ly around us. And law­mak­ers arent tak­ing action and arent talk­ing about
  • LA may­or Karen Bass wants to spend a record $1.3 bil­lion on con­vert­ing hotels and motels into hous­ing for the citys sprawl­ing home­less pop­u­la­tion. Where is the mon­ey going to come from? Cities are col­laps­ing in tax rev­enue. The tax base is leav­ing cities in a rapid num­ber. Com­mer­cial real estate is emp­ty. The tax base is dete­ri­o­rat­ing and what is left in the cities dont pay tax­es in the first place. Putting home­less peo­ple in hotels and motels does­nt solve why they are home­less in the first place.
  • White home­own­er, 84 is released on $200K bail after being charged with shoot­ing black 16-yo Ralph Yarl who mis­tak­en­ly rang his door­bell. This is in Kansas City. The 84 yo shot the young man. What if this 84 year old watched the chaos hap­pen­ing in the streets. The man said he was scared to death. Picked up his gun, saw a black male pulling on the exte­ri­or storm door han­dle. It is dev­as­tat­ing that Ralph is in the hos­pi­tal but it is also sad that this 84 yo man is liv­ing in fear. The media is sen­sa­tion­al­iz­ing the news. Where are the charges against the peo­ple that have destroyed our coun­try? they are just get­ting away with it.
  • Fox has to pay a set­tle­ment because they ran sto­ries against a vot­ing machine sys­tem. Where is the set­tle­ment for Amer­i­ca in gen­er­al for what they have done to our coun­ty. There are already protests, they want jus­tice for Ralph. Do these kids in the crowd that are ask­ing for jus­tice for Ralph under­stand why Ralph was shot? Why dont they ask for jus­tice in amer­i­ca?
  • We have a media that has worked for years towards the decay in civ­i­liza­tion in Amer­i­ca.
  • Man charged with fatal­ly shoot­ing a woman who pulled into the wrong dri­ve­way back in court today. Think about it. Woman pulled into the wrong dri­ve­way. If some­one is pulling into your dri­ve­way at 10 at night are you going to the door with a gun in your hand. Why are we in fear of what is going to hap­pen next? Why are we in fear when we are out and about. How long is it before they are push­ing their cart out from the store and get­ting attacked? How did we get in this sit­u­a­tion? Have you looked at crime all across this coun­try? And what they have done. There is pinned up anger in the youth in these inner cities.
  • There is more inter­est in try­ing to kill an unborn baby than fix­ing the decay in our cities. Are we total­ly gone?

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