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Abortion and Joe Bidens Care Economy is More Important Than Total Collapse

  • Tonight at mid­night we should have some kind of deci­sion on the abor­tion pills. The 5 day stay ends tonight at mid­night. Tomor­row Joe Biden and Kamala Har­ris will be talk­ing about Wom­ens Health­care and repro­duc­tive rights but dont watch the decay in our streets.
  • It is going to be eas­i­er in LA to get an abor­tion than get­ting gas for your car because all these com­pa­nies are shut­ting down because they cant take it any­more. But lets send these kids across the coun­try to Col­orado for sum­mer camp to tran­si­tion the kids. It is not con­sid­ered child abuse if you dont sup­port the tran­sit­ing of your kid.
  • Biden signs orders expand­ing access to child and elder care. No true eco­nom­ic pol­i­cy to try to stop the com­mer­cial indus­try’s finan­cial col­lapse. Com­mer­cial bank­rupt­cy is going up. Joe Bidens Care Econ­o­my
  • Bidens exec­u­tive order for access to child care. Make child and long-term care more acces­si­ble. Boost job qual­i­ty for ear­ly edu­ca­tors, care work­ers. Sup­port fam­i­ly care­givers. Advance domes­tic work­er rights.
  • Accord­ing to Elon Musk on Glob­al Bank­ing Sys­tem If you look at the port­fo­lio of the bank­ing indus­try they have neg­a­tive equi­ty. There is not enough equi­ty in the bank­ing sys­tem to cov­er what is out­stand­ing. This is a glob­al bank­ing prob­lem. Com­mer­cial real estate used to be the safest real estate to own. Now a once strong com­pa­ny is no longer pay­ing rent where the bank goes to get pay­ment. San Fran is 40% emp­ty. Com­mer­cial Real Estate is an anvil ready to drop. This is a dire sit­u­a­tion when the banks lose equi­ty in the com­mer­cial real estate and in res­i­den­tial real estate. The last time the feds raised the inter­est rate going into a reces­sion was in 1929. There isnt any way to get away from infla­tion. Rais­ing inter­est rates does­nt ease infla­tion. If the mon­ey sup­ply goes up faster than pro­duc­tion then infla­tion hap­pens. The covid mon­ey was not paid for.

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