Home / Shows / Its Already Started: Today In Trump Court, While Biden Is Fabulously Incompetent

Its Already Started: Today In Trump Court, While Biden Is Fabulously Incompetent

  • Bud Lights par­ent com­pa­ny Anheuser-Busch InBev has lost more than $6 bil­lion in mar­ket cap in just six days after Dylan Mul­vaney part­ner­ship sparked back­lash. Bud­wieser buck­led to the 2% not car­ing what the stock hold­er might lose.
  • Nike, I am done with you, Woman sets her Nike sports bra alight in Burn Bra Chal­lenge on Tik­Tok as the gymwear giant faces boy­cott over dylan Mul­vaney part­ner­ship. 2% is try­ing to set women back ages.
  • Trump to be deposed again today in NY AG’s civ­il suit.
  • TN demo­c­rat Justin Pear­son reap­point­ed to state House.
  • Biden in Ire­land: He beat the hell out the Black and Tans smil­ing Biden invoked British mili­tia in slip of the tongue as he toured Ire­land.
  • Youre sup­posed to do the rope line, Dad Hunter the han­dler steps in to give Joe instruc­tions as his father takes ques­tions from KIDS despite refus­ing to give a press con­fer­ence dur­ing Ire­land trip.
  • Trump is at a depo­si­tion and they will try to ban Trump and his fam­i­ly from doing busi­ness ever again. While Hunter Biden is the diplo­mat dur­ing Joes trip to Ire­land.
  • White House is forced to cor­rect Joe Biden to quell fresh row after ram­bling Pres­i­dent boast­ed his rug­by play­er cousin beat the hell out of the Black and tans in ref­er­ence to the 1920s police sent to Ire­land in the lat­est in a string of antiB­ri­tish jibes.
  • You just lied! Elon crush­es BBC Reporter claims about Hate speech on Twit­ter. Less than a week after Twit­ter labeled the BBC “gov­ern­ment fund­ed media own­er Elon Musk gave an impromp­tu inter­view to the news agency on Tues­day evening at Twit­ter HQ where he dis­cussed top­ics rang­ing from lay­offs, to mis­in­for­ma­tion to his work habits to the fact that most of the adver­tis­ers who left in a huff have now returned or said they will. But who cares about most of that. Elon total­ly crushed the BBC reporter James Clay­ton over hate speech.
  • The 5th Cir­cuit Appeals court rul­ing will keep the abor­tion pill avail­able for now. It is 2 pills. The abor­tion is per­formed with 1 pill. It starves the child to death, that is the abor­tion. The sec­ond pill induces labor so the woman can expel the child. The Judge laid out the entire process with­in the judg­ment.

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