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Fox Dominion Settlement will have Consequences.

  • Vic­to­ry for GOP as judge rules they CAN sub­poe­na ex-Man­hat­tan pros­e­cu­tor Mark Pomer­antz about his years long effort to pros­e­cute Trump and his falling out with DA Alvin Bragg. Bragg had tried to pre­vent Pomer­antz from being called to speak to Jor­dans com­mit­tee which is inves­ti­gat­ing the polit­i­cal per­se­cu­tion of Trump. This is real­ly show­ing guts for the repub­li­cans. It seems to be that McCarthy is get­ting out of the way allow­ing the com­mit­tees to do what they have to do to get to the truth. And we have repub­li­cans that have the guts to do what needs to be done.
  • Chi­na began devel­op­ing Covid-19 vac­cines in mid-Novem­ber 2019 before the offi­cial start of the out­break report by the US Sen­ate claims. The report con­cludes that the pan­dem­ic most like­ly came from a Wuhan lab leak. It adds to evi­dence that the coun­try attempt­ed to cov­er up ear­ly infec­tions. It sug­gests that there may have been two unin­ten­tion­al spillover events weeks apart.
  • Domin­ion CEO pressed on lack of apol­o­gy from Fox News. Fox News still faces a $2.7 bil­lion defama­tion law­suit from Smart­mat­ic. The biggest con­cern is not whether Fox lied. The biggest con­cern will be to put peo­ple across this coun­try to speak out against these mas­sive cor­po­ra­tions. Will domin­ion be the end of them? What about New­max? How many net­works will live in fear after this rul­ing of what they can and can’t say.
  • Fox pay­out is a vin­di­ca­tion for Geor­gia elec­tions, Raf­fensperg­er says. Remem­ber the zucker­buck now goes to Raf­fensperg­er. This vin­di­ca­tion is going to be incor­po­rat­ed into Fani Willis’ attempt to say that Trump knew this was a lie. Is this a vin­di­ca­tion for Jan 6, this proves lies. Dont for­get Sid­ney Pow­ell, they were going to reveal new infor­ma­tion. Rudy made com­ments in Atlanta. So when you talk about the Fox news seg­ments and Raf­fensperg­er talk­ing about vin­di­ca­tion. After the Fox set­tle­ment, Geor­gia suits among those left involv­ing elec­tion lies. This is what is going to hap­pen, look at the way we are being treat­ed and you have the 16 alter­nate elec­tors, and Fani willis is try­ing to get 10 dis­missed. Noth­ing from Bri­an Kemp
  • 2 Ful­ton co elec­tion work­ers whose lives were upend­ed by false vot­ing fraud accu­sa­tions have filed defama­tion law­suits against oth­er media com­pa­nies and indi­vid­u­als who spread the claims. And a Gwin­nett co man false­ly accused of vot­ing fraud has sued the pro­duc­ers of the file 2000 mules. Will they bring down orga­ni­za­tions? Will the fear of going to court and being sued crush every­one for bring­ing out the truth. COVID weaponized the elec­tions.
  • John Fet­ter­man sparks fresh health fears dur­ing open­ing speech back in Con­gress as he slurs his words and strug­gles to get through sen­tences after being hos­pi­tal­ized with clin­i­cal depres­sion fol­low­ing a stroke.
  • Three young peo­ple have been shot by just being at the wrong place. TX cheer­leader shot after group approached wrong car. Noth­ing about peo­ple in fear in this coun­try. Noth­ing about how we got here. How do you know the absolute truth? All three were late into the night.
  • Repub­li­cans ral­ly behind Don­ald Trump- the list is grow­ing.
  • Supreme Court delays action on abor­tion pill rul­ing. The Supreme Court has moved the rul­ing until mid­night on Fri­day. Peo­ple are trig­ger hap­py because they are ner­vous because of that media and deep state has cre­at­ed.
  • US announces 4325 mil­lion secu­ri­ty pack­age for Ukraine. Dont for­get the embez­zle­ment of Zelen­sky and what RFK said
  • McCarthy pro­pos­es $1.5 tril­lion debt lim­it increase. House GOP Debt Ceil­ing pro­pos­al. $1.5 tril­lion debt lim­it increase. Cut fund­ing for fed­er­al agen­cies to 2022 levels.(should be 2000 lev­els). Reclaim unspent COVID-19 funds (and take 5% to inves­ti­gate the cor­rup­tion behind COVID). Block stu­dent debt can­cel­la­tion. Claw back new IRS funds. Repeal­ing green ener­gy tax cred­its. Work require­ment for some fed­er­al aid pro­grams. Cap­ping future spend­ing increas­es at 1% annu­al­ly. We need to have large cuts. McCarthy wants to sit down with Biden. Biden wants a clean debt ceil­ing raise. They want you to remem­ber Trump had it raised 3 times.
  • FL bans teach­ing sex­u­al ori­en­ta­tion, gen­der iden­ti­ty through HS. Bri­an Kemp where are you?

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