Home / Shows / Georgia News of DeKalb Superintendent, GA University Tuition, Kemps Political Party

Georgia News of DeKalb Superintendent, GA University Tuition, Kemps Political Party

  • Glitzy $2B Forsyth area dis­trict comes with many unknowns. The new Forsyth gov­ern­ment build­ing has a com­plete day­care and gym for their employ­ees. They dont think about tax dol­lars, they talk about splost mon­ey
  • State schools chief Woods wants DeKalb to pause super­in­ten­dent hire. Richard Woods, the super­in­ten­dent of school and the state school board, is ask­ing DeKalb to pause the hire. DeKalb Coun­ty school board announces sole super­in­ten­dent final­ist. The DeKalb coun­ty GOP needs to pay atten­tion. Dr. Devon Hor­ton from Chica­go was impact­ed by redlin­ing and learned the true val­ue of equi­ty ear­ly.
  • The Uni­ver­si­ty sys­tem of GA may raise tuition to fill a state bud­get cut. The school sys­tems in GA will not lose a dol­lar for any­thing.
  • Kemp lays out a 2024 vision with­out Trump. Bri­an Kemp has become his own polit­i­cal par­ty.
  • Ful­ton pros­e­cu­tors offered immu­ni­ty deals to some GOP elec­tors. The fake elec­tors are the 16 peo­ple that were put up as elec­tors that got to the elec­toral col­lege to cast their vote for pres­i­dent. It was pos­si­ble for the out­come to go to Don­ald Trump because of the law­suits that were pend­ing. Some­where offered a rat deal and refused. Some say they were not offered a deal. It is set up to bring down the repub­li­can par­ty in GA. This is an attempt to com­plete the take down of the polit­i­cal par­ty in GA while Kemp is his own polit­i­cal par­ty.
  • Fox Set­tles for $787 mil­lion. Is it against the law to be an elec­tion denier? There is anoth­er law­suit com­ing from Smart­mat­ic
  • Chi­na may have up to 6 more ille­gal police sta­tions in the US after the FBI shut down the NYC out­post used to spy on dis­si­dents.
  • This take is self­ish and shows utter dis­re­gard for women. Riley Gaines slams swim­ming rival Lia Thomas for demand­ing Biden let’s trans stu­dents com­pete in all sports.
  • McCarthy walks a tightrope as the debt ceil­ing plan faces road­blocks. Will it be the end of McCarthy or will repub­li­cans that claim they hold a posi­tion, will they cave?

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