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Kemp: Where Are You? Womens Sports, DeKalb Superintendent, CRT and DEI

  • John Fet­ter­man sparks fresh health fears dur­ing open­ing speech back in Con­gress as he slurs his words and strug­gles to get through sen­tences after being hos­pi­tal­ized with clin­i­cal depres­sion fol­low­ing a stroke. He chaired a sub­com­mit­tee. It was sad. This is the poster child for the evil that the democ­rats will do to steal an election. 
  • ESPN at war. Network’s Saman­tha Pon­der breaks ranks and joins Riley Gaines in the fight to keep Title IX for bio­log­i­cal women only as Joe Biden tries to change land­mark law. This is where the state of ga needs to stand up against the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment and we need to pass a law. If there are true repub­li­cans out there we have no prob­lem but if you are out there try­ing to pass hb520 and not pro­tect our chil­dren. I don’t attack repub­li­cans, I fight gut­less cow­ards that don’t do the right thing for cit­i­zens. I point out the corruption. 
  • Saman­tha Pon­der: This would take away so many oppor­tu­ni­ties for bio­log­i­cal women and girls in sports. It is a shame that we are need­ed to fight for the integri­ty of Title IX in 2023 and the rea­son it was need­ed in the first place. 
  • What we would like to hear is that Bri­an Kemp come to a micro­phone and say that this is set­ting back girls sports instead of run­ning away from the repub­li­can par­ty. If the repub­li­can par­ty of GA comes out over­whelm­ing say­ing some­thing bri­an kemp will do what he wants regard­less of what 
  • State schools chief Woods wants DeKalb to pause super­in­ten­dent hire. Why is DeKalb coun­ty bring­ing in a super­in­ten­dent of schools from Chica­go that has a fail­ing school sys­tem. DeKalb Coun­ty school board announces sole super­in­ten­dent finalist. 
  • White kids to the back of the school bus. Super­in­ten­dent impos­es racist poli­cies in the name of antiracism and tol­er­ates no dis­sent. Dr. Hor­ton said he wouldn’t hire a teacher who didn’t sup­port the district’s antiracist agen­da and said he doesn’t believe teach­ers should be licensed by the state if they aren’t trained in antiracism. “If you’re not antiracist, we can’t have you in front of our stu­dents,” he said. It’s not about read­ing, writ­ing and arithmetic. 
  • The school super­in­ten­dent in Evanston Illi­nois has stat­ed that black, brown and LGBTQ stu­dents will be albe to access in per­son learn­ing dur­ing the pan­dem­ic but no oth­er stu­dents. So if your child is white, or asian cis­gen­dered and straight, they will be denied access. They only opened the schools to the black brown and LGBTQ students
  • Law­suit: Evanston-Skok­ie school dis­trict ‘anti-racism’ cur­ricu­lum, poli­cies dis­crim­i­nate against white stu­dents. A teacher has filed a fed­er­al dis­crim­i­na­tion suit against the ele­men­tary school dis­trict serv­ing stu­dents in Evanston and Skok­ie claim­ing the district’s com­mit­ment to ‘anti-racism’ in its cur­ricu­lum. Poli­cies and pro­grams not only dis­crim­i­nate against white stu­dents and fac­ul­ty but active­ly teach stu­dents to be racists. CRT!  Can School be ‘antiracist’? A new super­in­ten­dent in Evanston IL has a plan. After racial-jus­tice protests across the coun­try, schools exam­ine cur­ricu­lum hir­ing and approach to teach­ing. This sum­mer school super­in­ten­dent Devon Dor­ton told the res­i­dents of this city north of Chica­go that for oppressed minori­ties the coro­n­avirus was only the lat­est chap­ter in their long his­to­ry of per­se­cu­tion the pan­dem­ic of inequity and racism and clas­sism has been hold­ing them down for a lot longer. In recog­ni­tion of the impact of racism Dr Hor­ton said Evanston schools would give stu­dents from mar­gin­al­ized groups first pri­or­i­ty for seats for in per­son learn­ing and all oth­er stu­dents would be taught remote­ly. This is about equi­ty for Black and brown stu­dents, for spe­cial edu­ca­tion stu­dents and for our LGBTQ students. 
  • Super­in­ten­dent Devon Hor­ton talks about hybrid learn­ing racial equi­ty goals. “We are get­ting ready to do what we call diver­si­ty, equi­ty and includ­ing assess­ments for a cohort of about 100 of our staff mem­bers, each school will have racial equi­ty assess­ment review teams where they will be look­ing at prac­tices inside of the schools around racial equi­ty or cur­ricu­lum selec­tion teach­ing strate­gies and use of data to iden­ti­fy dif­fer­ence between our white black and lat­inx stu­dents and our oth­er pop­u­la­tions. This group will be charged with tak­ing our cen­tral office vision around equi­ty and mov­ing it to the seats of the students. 
  • You have a guy that wants to teach CRT. We passed a law that dont’ allow CRT but DeKalb wants to bring it into the coun­ty. Kemp needs to come out and say some­thing about how DeKalb coun­ty can not and will not allow, and will do any­thing to stop. 
  • With Trump lead­ing the GA poll, repub­li­cans split over 2024.
  • MTG bares fang-fangs, throws house meet­ings into chaos over Swal­well sex­u­al rela­tion­ship with a Chi­nese spy. We have to go to the rules to see if MTG can tell the truth. When she spoke the truth the demo­c­rat tried to stop free speech. 
  • They call him the con­spir­a­cy the­o­rist. RFK Jr launch­es his bid for pres­i­dent. Will he fol­low suit with this uncle and father? 

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