Home / News / It Was All Part Of The Plan To Clear The Deck With Firing Of Tucker For Joe’s Run

It Was All Part Of The Plan To Clear The Deck With Firing Of Tucker For Joe’s Run

  • Cobb Coun­ty Chair forum last night. Great event.
  • Tuck­er Carl­son was fired yes­ter­day. Fri­day night was his last show. Why would a net­work get rid of the cash cow that has 3 mil­lion view­ers each night? Tuck­er received the footage from Jan 6 and revealed so many lies that were told. It apparead­ed that Tuck­er was shut down. It is hard to believe that only footage was of the Shaman. Tuck­er did a very dam­ag­ing mono­logue of media cor­rup­tion and big phar­ma. Tuck­er Carl­son then intro­duces Robert Kennedy who is polling dou­ble dig­its against Biden. Then Fox news set­tles with Domin­ion. Then with­out warn­ing Tuck­er Carl­son gets fired. Then the DA in Ful­ton coun­ty sends a let­ter to the sher­iff of Ful­ton Coun­ty to pre­pare for July. DA says indict­ment announce­ment com­ing this sum­mer in Trump probe. They are all in cahoots. Don Lemon was fired at CNN. Then today Joe Biden announced he is run­ning for the 2024 Cam­paign. Tuck­er is out of the way. 
  • 3 days ago Tuck­er’s open­ing mono­logue calls out main­stream media’s role in push­ing the COVID vac­cines despite their high risk for seri­ous side effects and death. Tuck­er with a plat­form for Robert Kennedy Jr that the deep state didn’t like. Fox news is a plat­form that is so enor­mous. Now the only rea­son to watch Fox news is gone. This is all a set up just in time for Joe’s announce­ment. This is part of the plan. 
  • The last time that some­one had 3 mil­lion a day and could turn the con­ser­v­a­tive move­ment was Rush Lim­baugh. This guy was well on his way to expose things as he has always done to turn the con­ser­v­a­tive move­ment. The largest pop­u­la­tion would be the seniors because they are con­cerned about medicare and social secu­ri­ty with the debt ceil­ing. They stopped Tuck­er from talk­ing to this pop­u­la­tion to steal 2024. 
  • Biden cam­paign video con­tain­ing Jan 6 footage. The mis­sion is to show the extrem­ism of the repub­li­can side. We are in a battle. 
  • Fox News took issue with Tuck­er Carlson’s deroga­to­ry remarks towards staff and boss­es before shock depar­ture. Anchor called them incom­pe­tent lib­er­als who were destroy­ing their cred­i­bil­i­ty. Tuck­er Carl­son depart­ed Fox News on Mon­day he was report­ed­ly not giv­ing a rea­son for his oust­ing but was told the deci­sion came from above. It was report­ed that exec­u­tives were angered by his crit­i­cism of them fol­low­ing the 2020 elec­tion. Some of Carlson’s texts were made pub­lic as part of the Domin­ion defama­tion case, and showed the hose fum­ing at the deci­sion to call the elec­tion for Biden. Blind­sided Tuck­er Carl­son still has been giv­en No rea­son why he was fired and spec­u­la­tion is rife Rupert Mur­doch wants to sell fox news but would find it hard­er with fire­brand host as the main star. Tuck­er Carl­son was not told the rea­sons for his fir­ing accord­ing to Fox news insiders. 
  • There isn’t any­where for Tuck­er to land where he can get 3 mil­lion peo­ple at 8pm. Tuck­er was fired by Lach­lan Murdoch.Democrats don’t want Robert Kennedy to have a plat­form. They have cleared the deck and Joe announces his campaign. 

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