Home / News / Hank Sullivan Talks To BKP About The Ethics Violation With Rep Todd Jones

Hank Sullivan Talks To BKP About The Ethics Violation With Rep Todd Jones

  • The eth­i­cal con­flict of inter­est on Rep Todd Jones. They will try to sweep it under the rug. Hank is going to push it out. There are pow­ers at the state cap­i­tal that have an agen­da. This is only part of the agen­da. The ethics com­plaint came about to push back against the sys­tem that is try­ing to ram this stuff down our throat. It is a 22 page com­plaint that was filed at the state capi­tol. There are 7 counts of ethics vio­la­tions. What he did is against the law. 45–10-90. He used leg­is­la­tion to ben­e­fit him­self. There aren’t any reper­cus­sions in break­ing the law. He recruit­ed oth­er mem­bers of the gen­er­al assem­bly to go along with him. Itis believed that the mem­ber of con­gress did­nt know that it would per­son­al ben­e­fit Mr. Jones. He was lob­by­ing for the bill and did­nt iden­ti­fy him­self as a lob­by­ist. He cre­at­ed a pri­vate com­pa­ny to pro­vide AI with pre­dic­tive analy­sis on the data that he col­lect­ed and then pro­vide this infor­ma­tion to a case­work­er. In all of this the ser­vice plan would obstruct the free­doms of indi­vid­u­als and with­in the leg­is­la­tion he immu­nized him­self and his com­pa­ny from any legal oblig­a­tion. It is unknown what has hap­pened with the ethics com­plaint. Now it is time to start push­ing this out.
  • https://hanksullivan.substack.com/p/hb520-conflicts-of-interest-podcast
  • https://hanksullivan.substack.com/p/text-of-ethics-complaint-filed-against
  • https://hanksullivan.substack.com/p/hb520-likely-most-dangerous-bill
  • We dont have a prof­it. But the prof­it that Todd Jones would be talk­ing about is the prof­it from the Geor­gia tax­pay­ers and it would restrict the free­doms of peo­ple. When leg­is­la­tion is filed it stays for 2 years. And it will auto­mat­i­cal­ly be there next year. Dont think for one minute that this is over. The tech­nol­o­gy behind the AI and data col­lec­tion comes from Chi­na and the hard­ware is from Chi­na.
  • Bri­an Kemp knew that the elec­tion was false yet he signed any­way. He signed the cer­ti­fi­ca­tion under false pre­tens­es. If he had not signed the doc­u­ment it would have sent shock­waves around the coun­try. Every­thing changed as soon as he signed the doc­u­ment. The gov­er­nor did­nt have the guts and courage to do what need­ed to be done.
  • https://hanksullivan.substack.com/p/brian-kemp-has-become-his-own-political

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