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The Media Runs The World: The Plan Is In Place To Steal 2024

  • The media runs the world. There are peo­ple that are say­ing that we need for­ward think­ing peo­ple. The only way to move for­ward is to under­stand the cor­rup­tion of 2020. The con­sti­tu­tion man­dates to send this free­dom from gen­er­a­tion to gen­er­a­tion. But if we con­tin­ue to send the cor­rup­tion from gen­er­a­tion to gen­er­a­tion, there isnt any hope for this coun­try. If you study his­to­ry, keep in mind what hap­pened with Nixon and water­gate. This is a bla­tant attempt to steal 2024.
  • Ex-CIA offi­cial: Blinken prompt­ed infa­mous intel state­ment call­ing Hunter Biden lap­top russ­ian dis­in­fo. Blinken knew that they had to get all the news net­works to say this is not true. WE have Blinken not the bag­man, every Sec­re­tary of State is the bag­man. Blinkin goes to Morell to get the let­ter.
  • Accord­ing to Michael Morell, Antony Blinken set in motion the events that led to the issuance of the pub­lic state­ment that base­less­ly assert­ed Hunter Bidens lap­top was Russ­ian dis­in­for­ma­tion. Even when they retire they car­ry a lev­el of secu­ri­ty clear­ance. So when you hear the for­mer, they still have secu­ri­ty clear­ances. It is scary that have the clear­ances would sign some­thing blind­ly sign some­thing that is base­less­ly
  • A for­mer CIA offi­cial tes­ti­fied that then-Biden cam­paign advis­er and now-Sec­re­tary of State Antony Blinken played a role in the cre­ation of a debunked let­ter from 51 for­mer intel­li­gence offi­cials that false­ly claimed the Hunter Biden lap­top was Russ­ian dis­in­for­ma­tion.
  • The Let­ter is dat­ed Octo­ber 19, 2020. We are all indi­vid­u­als who devot­ed sig­nif­i­cant por­tions of our lives to nation­al secu­ri­ty. Some of us served in senior posi­tions in pol­i­cy depart­ments and agen­cies, and some of us served in senior posi­tions in the Intel­li­gence Com­mu­ni­ty. Some of us were polit­i­cal appointees, and some were career offi­cials. Many of us worked for pres­i­dents of both polit­i­cal par­ties. Per­haps most impor­tant­ly, each of us believes deeply that Amer­i­can cit­i­zens should deter­mine the out­come of elec­tions, not for­eign gov­ern­ments. All of us agree with the found­ing fathers con­cern about the dam­age that for­eign inter­fer­ence in our pol­i­tics can do to our democ­ra­cy. This is cor­rup­tion and manip­u­lat­ing the out­come of an elec­tion. This is giv­ing vot­ers infor­ma­tion that will change the elec­tion out­come. This is dur­ing ear­ly vot­ing. How do you have this let­ter and have the cor­rup­tion and no one is in jail?
  • Here is the thing. They keep telling me that I have to get past 2020. But what they are telling me is that I have to accept this and move on. If we accept this, what will they ask us to accept next? We can­not take our eye off the ball

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