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Deep State is Clearing the Deck for Joe to Finish the JOB

  • Joe announced yes­ter­day to clear the way for Joe. Biden launch­es 2024 bid with eye on Geor­gia. We still are bat­tling for the soul of Amer­i­ca: Joe is out there talk­ing about Free­dom. It is a much dif­fer­ent kind of free­dom that the found­ing fathers want­ed that the con­sti­tu­tion was set up to sup­port.
  • Abby Gross­berg: Tuck­er Carl­son made my life a liv­ing hell. She is try­ing to build cred­i­bil­i­ty back into the Jan 6 select com­mit­tee. And say­ing that Tuck­er was only inter­est­ed in con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries.
  • Repub­li­cans to adopt loy­al­ty pledge for debate par­tic­i­pants. https://apnews.com/article/biden-politics-united-states-government-us-republican-party-2022-midterm-elections-e34c8c31234725e110a7e4f83348ed68
  • The Biden cam­paign kicks into high gear. Biden cant kick into high gear.
  • The cor­rup­tion is so deep that the cam­paign advi­sors run inter­fer­ence to write a let­ter to say that the lap­top sound­ed like Russ­ian inter­fer­ence into our elec­tions. Biden went on tv know­ing that every­thing was set up and ready for him to deny. But that isnt influ­enc­ing elec­tions and the grass­roots should­nt look back and move on. The rea­son John Klain moved on was to run the cam­paign. Susan Rice is leav­ing so she can clear the way. We know Joe Biden has 2 com­peti­tors. We know that nor­mal­ly they will not let you into the debate if you are not polling over 1%, if you go back into his­to­ry on both polit­i­cal par­ties.
  • WH down­plays con­cerns over Bidens age: Hes been able to deliv­er. What Ice cream?
  • Any nor­mal polit­i­cal require­ments for a debate, the democ­rats wont do it. They wont even acknowl­edge that Joe has any com­pe­ti­tion. They want you to accept, democ­rats have accept­ed Joe Biden as their nom­i­nee. Did they miss Kennedy at 14%?
  • Kennedy said the cor­rupt merg­er. Kennedy said we sent 300 Mil­lion to SVB, 113 Bil­lion for the war­mon­gers in Ukraine, print­ing mon­ey, infla­tion is a tax on the poor, Kennedy is out there talk­ing about the tax on the poor. He is out there talk­ing about the essen­tials for the fam­i­ly have sky­rock­et­ed. He is talk­ing about why the poor are strug­gling while the gov­ern­ment is send­ing out mil­lions and bil­lions of mon­ey to the mul­ti mil­lion­aires. The mid­dle class is get­ting beat­en down in Amer­i­ca. Kennedy is talk­ing about this.
  • The EU is in a war­like mood, warns Hun­garys for­eign Min­is­ter. Hun­gary is call­ing for peace even as most Euro­pean nation­als are push­ing to esca­late the war. Biden prepar­ing for the Ukrain­ian offen­sive to fail. The Biden admin­is­tra­tion is prepar­ing for the pos­si­bil­i­ty of Ukraine’s long await­ed coun­terof­fen­sive fail­ing. Pen­ta­gon doc­u­ments alleged­ly leaked by air­man Jack Teix­eira revealed that the US does­nt believe Ukraine can regain any sig­nif­i­cant ter­ri­to­ry in its coun­terof­fen­sive, which is expect­ed to be launched in the spring. The infor­ma­tion in the leaks was based on an assess­ment made in Feb.
  • Who has the footage of Jan6? We watched the select com­mit­tee hype Jan 6 and then Kevin McCarthy gave the access to Tuck­er Carl­son. Their only time was with Tuck­er and not any­where on Fox news. The first night was the only time we saw footage. The sec­ond night was a replay. Schumer said to stop Tuck­er Carl­son, no one saw any more footage. Who owns the footage? Does Tuck­er still have it?
  • Abby Gross­berg: Tuck­er Carl­son made my life a liv­ing hell. She did­nt want to be part of the Jan 6 wake up moment. Some­thing will sur­face with Tuck­er and this was the attempt to get out in front of it.

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