Home / News / Joe Biden Has Blood On His Hands And He Wants To Finish The Job.

Joe Biden Has Blood On His Hands And He Wants To Finish The Job.

  • Trump calls the Bidens a crime fam­i­ly that is Water­gate times 10 in a blis­ter­ing attack after top REpub­li­can James Com­er claimed as many as 12 rel­a­tives are involved in shady busi­ness deals. There isnt a com­par­i­son. What they did was turn moms in Amer­i­ca.
  • Can a woke mil­i­tary win wars? For a cou­ple of years now, the US mil­i­tary has had a seri­ous recruit­ment prob­lem. Tal­iban kill mas­ter­mind of Kab­ul air­port bomb­ing that killed 13 US ser­vice mem­bers. How can you con­tin­ue to work at these net­works to put up the titles graph­ics and spread the lies? You need a price to lie. Isis‑K leader behind Kab­ul air­port bomb­ing killed by Tal­iban. We have no details on this but we are going to play clean up for Joe Biden. Here is some­thing we have to get out of the way. All they did was get some­thing from the Tal­iban say­ing they killed the guy. Marine in the Kab­ul air­port blast says he was told not to shoot ISIS bomber. A marine who sur­vived the dead­ly bomb­ing at Kabuls air­port dur­ing the 2021 US with­draw­al from Afghanistan told law­mak­ers Wednes­day he was told not to kill a sus­pect­ed ISIS ter­ror­ist who he believes was respon­si­ble for lat­er killing 13 of his fel­low ser­vice mem­bers and count­less Afghans. Sgt. Tyler Var­gas-Andres recount­ed to the House For­eign Affairs Com­mit­tee how his team deployed to Hamid Karzai Inter­na­tion­al Air­port on Aug 26, 2021 and were track­ing a man who intel­li­gence offi­cers believed was a sui­cide bomber through­out the entire­ly of the day lead­ing up to the explo­sion. Intel guys con­firmed the sui­cide bomber described as clean-shaven, brown-dressed, black vest and trav­el­ing with an old­er com­pan­ion, he said. I asked intel guys why he was­nt appre­hend­ed soon­er since we had a full descrip­tion. I was told the asset could not be com­pro­mised. https://nypost.com/2023/03/08/marine-in-kabul-airport-blast-says-he-was-told-not-to-shoot-isis-bomber/
  • Joe Biden has blood on his hands and he wants to fin­ish the job? They had a chance, they had the guy in his scope. The bomber killed 13 marines. This report says he killed 183 peo­ple in Afghanistan.

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