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Delegates Are Not Equal To The Donor Class According To Brian Kemp

  • Now you have the donor class, and you have the rinos and estab­lish­ment that run the donor class. At the RNC Donor retreat, Cle­ta Mitchell spoke to say that she nev­er saw any proof that there was vot­er fraud with the vot­ing machines.
  • Kemp hates Shafer so bad. Shafer is the cur­rent chair of the GA GOP. On June 10 the GOP will pick a new chair. Kemp hates him so bad that Kemp will attend the con­ven­tion. Kemp will not allow Brad Raf­fensperg­er, Chris Carr, or John King to attend the con­ven­tion. But Kemp can find his way to Davos. He does­nt care, it is all about him.
  • Kemp can go out to a retreat in TX with Karl Rove and oth­ers. He can fly out to Nashville for the RNC and meet with donors. Kemp says every­thing is fine, except the parts that arent fine. Kemp con­tin­ues to say I dont have a rift with the state GOP, you know. I just think to win we have to have a robust ground oper­a­tion. The state GOP was not doing that, so we did that our­selves. We had the cur­rent chair­man that, you know, has been work­ing against the statewide tick­et. Im hop­ing for new lead­er­ship at the par­ty and look­ing for­ward to work­ing with them in the future, but regard­less of how that plays out, I mean, Im going to stay engaged help­ing our leg­isla­tive can­di­dates, help­ing our nom­i­nee in 2024, cause if we dont win Geor­gia, we aint win­ning the White House. Yet Kemp makes a case for any­one but Trump in 2024.
  • Kemp can look back to 2020. But if we look back we are called elec­tion deniers. Kemp did­n’t go to Davos, Nashville, TX because he has a love for Don­ald Trump. Kemp tells you that the future lead­er­ship of the GOP, they do not want it to be BKP, he is want­i­ng to work with them as long as they under­stand he does­nt want Trump to be the nom­i­nee.
  • Kemp could, if it was­nt about him, and when he need­ed your vote you were the hard­work­ing Geor­gians, and the del­e­gates are not equal to the donors and the elites at Davos, he could have every­one on the stage say­ing that we can­not endure Joe Biden any longer and we have to get behind the nom­i­nee in 2024, you have my full sup­port. Kemp wont do it, he wont say it and he wont be there.

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