Home / News / The Fear the Democrats and Deep State Media Continues to Push Now with Banks

The Fear the Democrats and Deep State Media Continues to Push Now with Banks

  • They want you to believe you lost in 2022 because of abor­tion.
  • 40 Repub­li­cans must con­front abor­tion issue head-on to win swing vot­ers in 2024: accord­ing to Ron­na McDaniel, RNC chair. And Nan­cy Mace is re-writ­ing the plat­form on abor­tion for repub­li­cans to accept.
  • They want you to believe the shoot­ing in TX was about gun vio­lence but Greg Abbott tweet­ed out Ive announced a $50K reward for info on the crim­i­nal who killed 5 ille­gal immi­grants Fri­day. Also direct­ed #Oper­a­tionLon­eS­tar to be on the look­out. I con­tin­ue work­ing with state and local offi­cials to ensure all avail­able resources are deployed to respond. They dont have a clue where this guy is. Fran­cis­co Orope­sa is the sus­pect in the Cleve­land, TX shoot­ing. He is 38 years old Mex­i­can.
  • If Joe is run­ning for pres­i­dent we have to have the dai­ly reminder. Of who joe is falling off the bike.
  • Epsteins very tan­gled web: pedophile met with cur­rent CIA direc­tor William Burns, Oba­ma White House lawyer Noam Chom­sky and music direc­tor for the Amer­i­can Sym­pho­ny Orches­tra in the years AFTER his sex offense con­vic­tion. They dont want to talk about it.
  • Brad Raf­fensperg­er at the White House Cor­re­spon­dents Din­ner. Won­der if he was sit­ting next to the AJC gang. Won­der if they were dis­cussing Raf­fensperg­er calls dis­in­for­ma­tion top threat to democ­ra­cy.
  • Did you know there was an auc­tion yes­ter­day on a bank? In order for us to cor­rect Biden’s print­ing machine the mid­dle class must dis­ap­pear. Your buy­ing pow­er must end. Did we tell you that you have to be shut up in your house for months and months, did we tell you that your kids cant go to school, did we tell you have to take a vac­cine? Won­der if you have paid back the stim­u­lus check yet? We have anoth­er bank col­lapse. We dont put things out to put you in fear. We dont live in fear. This is the sec­ond largest col­lapse in our nation’s his­to­ry. Now repub­li­cans will get pushed into the cor­ner say­ing the debt ceil­ing is the cause of the fail­ure of many banks.
  • JP Mor­gan buys First Repub­lic Bank after reg­u­la­tors took con­trol as it strug­gles with high lev­els of unin­sured deposits in the wake of the col­lapse of Sil­i­con Val­ley Bank. The Cal­i­for­nia Depart­ment of Finan­cial Pro­tec­tion and Inno­va­tion (DFPI) said on Mon­day that reg­u­la­tors had seized the bank in what is the third major bank to fail in two months. It was pur­chased in the mid­dle of the night. They have to stop you from hear­ing the truth. If you would have heard this on Fri­day, what would you have done with your pay­check?
  • First Repub­lic’s stock has lost 97% of val­ue since the start of 2023. So every dol­lar is worth 3 pen­nies. They knew that when JP Mor­gan picked it up. JPMor­gan Chase to buy most First Repub­lic Assets. There’s some­thing about this First Repub­lic You know how they keep telling you they will not increase tax­es and there wont be any gov­ern­ment bailout. What is the dif­fer­ence with fees in your local bank to pay off the bank fail­ures when they guar­an­tee the depos­i­tors through the FDIC . This is a mod­ern bank run. There is 8 tril­lion of unguar­an­teed bank deposits. They want you to pay fees in your bank. The peo­ple that pay the fees are the peo­ple. The mid­dle class.
  • This bank fail­ure is help­ing to insti­tute the plan by Jerome Pow­ell. This will elim­i­nate the pur­chase pow­er for the mid­dle class. It is nev­er intend­ed to make life bet­ter for you and I. We are sup­posed to have health care and child care but it nev­er seems to help the mid­dle class. They are run­ning the nar­ra­tive that it is not a tax­pay­er bail out but it is being paid by the FDIC fund that the bank fees fund. We are pay­ing the bill for how they manip­u­lat­ed us with covid.
  • There is some­thing about the First Repub­li­can bank. Six weeks ago, 11 banks gave $30 mil­lion in cash to pro­long the col­lapse. All it did for six weeks was to get the col­lapse close enough to be able to get you to believe that the col­lapse is due to the debt ceil­ing to get you to be on board with print­ing more mon­ey and push the fear that if the debt ceil­ing isnt raised and more mon­ey isnt print­ed it will be the first of many.
  • Cuba is out of gas. They are deal­ing with an island-wide fuel short­age.

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