Home / News / Never Missed Turning Illegal Shooting Illegals to the GOP Guns & Immigration Stand

Never Missed Turning Illegal Shooting Illegals to the GOP Guns & Immigration Stand

  • We have 2 mil­lion ille­gals that will not come back for a court date. We have a cri­sis at the bor­der. They show the graph of the appre­hen­sions at the south­ern bor­der. And it will con­tin­ue to increase from 2021 to 2022. And they flash that Fen­tanyl is the lead­ing cause of death among Amer­i­cans 18–49. Title 42 expi­ra­tion will put new region­al pro­cess­ing cen­ters, fam­i­ly reuni­fi­ca­tion pro­grams, and assis­tance to counter smug­gling. And where will these cen­ters be? In South Amer­i­ca. While we have a bor­der that allows every­one to come in and out with­out any knowl­edge of where they are. Some are very dan­ger­ous and they dont want you to hear ille­gal immi­grant in any report­ing of the crimes com­mit­ted.
  • Fri­day night there was a shoot­ing in Cleve­land, TX. Father asks man to stop shoot­ing in the mid­dle of the night, it was wak­ing up the baby. Man goes next door and begins shoot­ing, killing 5. I nev­er thought that he would shoot father tells how he asked neigh­bor to stop shoot­ing in his gar­den so baby could sleep and the man fatal­ly blast­ed his wife and eight year old step son and three oth­ers. A mas­sive man­hunt is now spread­ing out across Texas with 250 mem­bers of law enforce­ment search­ing for armed and dan­ger­ous Orope­sa. Orope­sa had been deport­ed mul­ti­ple times and was in the coun­try ille­gal­ly. FBI joins man­hunt for TX killer who has been on the run for 36 hours after mur­der­ing a fam­i­ly of five. Police admit he could be any­where.
  • They are upset about Abbott telling the truth about the sit­u­a­tion involv­ing ille­gals
  • They cant find this mur­der­er that has crossed back and forth over the bor­der. How are they going to find the 2 mil­lion that have not come to the court dates?
  • How did this turn into where the repub­li­can par­ty stands on guns and immi­gra­tion.

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