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Start Putting Together The Bank Failures Paid For By Bank Fees Fund at FDIC

  • Jef­frey Epstein met with pro­fes­sor Noam Chom­sky years after reg­is­ter­ing as a sex offend­er, bomb­shell doc­u­ments have been revealed. The dis­graced financier also met with top offi­cials, includ­ing the cur­rent CIA direc­tor William Burns, accord­ing to his sched­ule.
  • Child rape is now pun­ish­able by death in FL. Jef­frey Epstein lived in FL and would fly clients to his pedo island from Palm Beach air­port. If that client list ever gets released, we could final­ly start exe­cut­ing the worst scum on earth. DeSan­tis signs law allow­ing death penal­ty for child rape defy­ing a US Supreme Court rul­ing.
  • They want you to live in fear. The US will run out of mon­ey by June 1 if Con­gress does­nt raise or sus­pend the debt lim­it: Biden final­ly agrees to talks with McCarthy after Trea­sury Sec­re­tarys warn­ing there could be a cat­a­stroph­ic default in a month. The Trea­sury depart­ment now believes the nation could default on its debts as ear­ly as one month from Mon­day, accord­ing to the let­ter sec Janet Yellen wrote to Con­gress.
  • Start putting togeth­er the bank fail­ures, what will be hap­pen­ing around the world in June, and the Hunter Biden finan­cial trou­bles. They are telling you that tax­pay­er mon­ey will not bail out the banks. They are telling you that the banks need 8 tril­lion to secure the deposits that will be paid by the fees.
  • JP Mor­gan is too big to fail and pur­chased First Repub­lic Bank for pen­nies on the dol­lar. Biden insists tax­pay­ers will not be on the hook for the sale of First Repub­lic Bank sale and savers will be pro­tect­ed while share­hold­ers are los­ing their invest­ments. Pres­i­dent Joe Biden on Mon­day promised that tax­pay­ers would not foot the bill after reg­u­la­tors stepped in to prop up the bank­ing sec­tor after the col­lapse of First Repub­lic Bank. Reg­u­la­tors seized First Nation­al Bank to stave off fur­ther bank­ing tur­moil. On Mon­day, Biden said the action would pro­tect deposits and tax­pay­ers. It will make sure that the bank­ing sys­tem is safe and sound, he said.
  • You mean that spend­ing way too much mon­ey and mak­ing infla­tion going through the roof and inter­est going through the roof at the same time they cant put out loans.
  • Before we start, he said in the White House rose gar­den to mark small busi­ness week, Im pleased to say that reg­u­la­tors have tak­en action to facil­i­tate the sale of First Repub­lic Bank and ensure that all depos­i­tors are pro­tect­ed and that tax­pay­ers are not on the hook. Amer­i­cans arent falling for this any­more.
  • Jamie Dimon, chief exec­u­tive offi­cers of JPMor­gan Chase & Co who said the pur­chase of First Repub­lic: Our gov­ern­ment invit­ed us and oth­ers to stop up and we did 3rd bank this year … more to come JPMor­gan steps in and is too big to fail. Jamie Dimon is telling you that the bank­ing sys­tem is ok.
  • Biden invit­ed con­gres­sion­al lead­ers (McCarthy, Schumer, McConnell, Jef­feries) to meet next week. All the net­works are talk­ing about this. Jamie Dimon will prob­a­bly dial in because this is an investor meet­ing. The only chance we stand in that room is Kevin McCarthy.
  • Not ger­mane to the bank­ing sys­tem, but this is the leader of the demo­c­rat par­ty. Hakeem Jef­fries tweet: Chil­dren and fam­i­lies con­tin­ue to be slaugh­tered by gun vio­lence through­out Amer­i­ca. Extreme MAGA Repub­li­cans respond by cal­lous­ly dis­cussing immi­gra­tion sta­tus. Cru­el­ty is the point.
  • Robert Kennedy tweets on the bank­ing col­lapse: The only per­son call­ing it out. Bailouts cre­ate per­verse incen­tives for banks to make reck­less swings for the fences with depos­i­tors mon­ey, know­ing they will pock­et vast wind­falls when they con­nect and that the tax­pay­er will bail them out when the miss. JPMor­gan Chase now owns First Republics sound assets. The FDIC owns its tox­ic assets. When big banks gam­bles suc­ceed, they prof­it. When they fail, we bail them out. Heads they win, tails you lose. Ulti­mate­ly the prob­lem stems from an over-finan­cial­ized econ­o­my. Finance is sup­posed to serve pro­duc­tion, not replace it. We need to rein­vest in the pro­duc­tive base: infra­struc­ture, labor, health, social, and nat­ur­al cap­i­tal.
  • We got the garbage.
  • GOP sen­a­tors sug­gest Blinken lied about Buris­ma was try­ing to con­nect with the fir­m’s US lob­by­ists.

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