Home / News / Are They Going To Use Hunter Biden To Get Joe Out? Bidens Slow Re-Election Bid

Are They Going To Use Hunter Biden To Get Joe Out? Bidens Slow Re-Election Bid

  • Are they going to use Hunter Biden to get Joe out. Bidens re-elec­tion bid is slow out of the gate. Bomb­shell report reveals emails show­ing Hunter Biden help­ing a busi­ness team gain access to then Vice Pres­i­dent Joe Biden in 20211. Hunter Biden facil­i­tat­ed a White House meet­ing with 3 busi­ness asso­ciates and his father then VP Joe Biden in 2011 emails report­ed by Fox reveal as part of the lat­est claims in influ­ence ped­dling. In exchange for the meet­ing with the asso­ciates, one of whom was a for­eign nation­al, Hunter and his asso­ciates were promised lucra­tive busi­ness deals. Then VP Biden and his deputy chief of staff at the time, Alan Hoff­man, engaged in a meet­ing with 3 busi­ness asso­ciates of Hunters, one of whom was a for­eign nation­al. Accord­ing to new emails. The lat­est rev­e­la­tions is just anoth­er in a series of shock­ing reports involv­ing the pres­i­den­t’s son and his for­eign busi­ness deals and influ­ence ped­dling. Hunter is under sev­er­al inves­ti­ga­tions, most stem­ming from his aban­doned lap­top, which had slews of daming infor­ma­tion that inves­ti­ga­tors claim could prove he used his fathers office to enrich him­self and his fam­i­ly. When a lit­tle girl says where was the last coun­try you vis­it­ed and he cant remem­ber he was in Ire­land the week before. Maybe he will to incom­pe­tent to face tri­al.
  • Antony Blinkens inno­cence claim adds to the web of lies about Hunter Biden. Sec­re­tary of State Antony Blinken is claim­ing the polit­i­cal ver­sion of the immac­u­late con­cep­tion. In a Fox inter­view, Blinken sug­gests that he is free of blame in the cre­ation of the 2020 let­ter from for­mer intel­li­gence offi­cials claim­ing that the Hunter Biden lap­top sto­ry was like­ly Russ­ian dis­in­for­ma­tion. Despite the pri­ma­ry orga­niz­er of the let­ter nam­ing him as the Biden cam­paign advi­sor who first raised the claim, Blinken insists that he remains with­out sin. All of the let­ter sig­na­to­ries are tak­ing the same posi­tion. No one is at fault in one of the most cal­cu­lat­ed false sto­ries ever plant­ed in the midst of an elec­tion cycle. 5 for­mer heads of intel­li­gence agen­cies signed the let­ter.
  • I stand by my tes­ti­mo­ny on Hunter Biden inves­ti­ga­tion AG Mer­rick Gar­land says despite whistle­blow­er claims that he lied under oath and inter­fered with the crim­i­nal probe. The net­works are scar­ing you that the sky’s going to fall on the debt ceil­ing. And Tuck­er Carl­son is every­thing that is wrong with this coun­try. AG Mer­rick Gar­land dou­bled down on tes­ti­mo­ny he will ensure there is no polit­i­cal inter­fer­ence in the probe into Hunter Biden. Fol­lows bomb­shell whistle­blow­er claims that the AG lied under oath to Con­gress. The pro­tect­ed dis­clo­sures revealed by the IRS whistle­blow­er con­tra­dict sworn tes­ti­mo­ny to Con­gress by senior polit­i­cal appointees. AG Mer­rick Gar­land insists he is still com­mit­ted to ensur­ing his offics inves­ti­ga­tion in Hunter Biden is con­duct­ed with­out polit­i­cal inter­fer­ence despite bomb­shell claims the DOJ head already thwart­ed the probe. In his April 2022 tes­ti­mo­ny before Con­gress, Joe Bidens AG said that there will not be inter­fer­ence of any polit­i­cal or improp­er kind when it comes to the inves­ti­ga­tion into the pres­i­dents son. But since then, a whistle­blow­er has come for­ward claim­ing that a senior Biden admin­is­tra­tion offi­cial did in fact inter­fere with the probe. And dailymail.com con­firmed that the offi­cial in ques­tion is Gar­land. The whistle­blow­er, accord­ing to a let­ter from attor­ney Mark Lytle, says pol­i­tics are improp­er­ly influ­enc­ing deci­sions in the probe into the pres­i­den­t’s 53 year old son, Hunter. Is this the ball that is spin­ning? Will Joe run?
  • Don­ald Trump will dri­ve the nar­ra­tive when it comes time.
  • Trump opens up a 36% lead over DeSan­tis in a new 2024 repub­li­can poll.

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