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Never Live in Fear..Live In Hope: Financial Crisis in US

  • Today is the Nation­al Day of Prayer. Either you believe or you dont believe. Dont live in fear. Those that know dont live in fear that the media cre­ates for those that dont know wait­ing for the sky to fall. How many democ­rats will make it a mock­ery of the Nation­al Day of Prayer.
  • They will lead you to believe that every­thing will col­lapse because repub­li­cans wont pass a clean debt ceil­ing exten­sion. Repub­li­cans want to cut spend­ing. IF you have been in office and are in there long enough to launch a re-elec­tion cam­paign you have been in there long enough to change what is hap­pen­ing.
  • Pac West region­al bank shares plunge 50% after execs plead­ed for sale or cash injec­tion as its huge invest­ment in com­mer­cial real estate that breached fed­er­al guide­lines caus­es con­cern on Wall Street. If you think this is the only bank hold­ing com­mer­cial real estate papers. That used to be the grade of stuff. 40% of San Fran­cis­co is emp­ty. If this was a repub­li­can admin­is­tra­tion this would be a cri­sis unlike any­thing else. We are look­ing at bank fail­ure after bank fail­ure. 2023 US Bank fail­ures $549 Bil­lion in total assets. PacWest bank shares crater on report it might be next to fail. Dont think if it is that bad your gov­ern­ment will tell you NO if it is that bad your gov­ern­ment will hide it from you.
  • Nev­er live in fear­Live in Hope. But it is unknown what will hap­pen Fri­day.
  • There is a rea­son that Janet Yellen came out to tell us that June 1.
  • Jerome Pow­ell is telling us that the bank­ing sys­tem is sound. He is only inter­est­ed in the col­lat­er­al you will con­tin­ue to pay your bill. He raised inter­est rates yes­ter­day.
  • White House econ­o­mists claim 8 mil­lion jobs will be lost and the stock mar­ket will drop by 45% if there is a default on $31 tril­lion debt, while repub­li­cans wait for Biden to final­ly start talks. The Coun­cil of Eco­nom­ic Advis­ers on Wednes­day issued dire warn­ings about the con­se­quences of default, which could come as soon as June 1. Joe Biden is meet­ing repub­li­cans on May 9. Ted Cruz came out to say that Biden wont have the talks because he cant go into a room to have the talks and it will expose him on how he is not lucid.
  • Fed­er­al Reserve hikes inter­est rates anoth­er .25 points to 5.25% in dri­ve to fight infla­tion brush­ing off renewed fears of a bank­ing cri­sis after the First Repub­lic col­lapsed. The Fed­er­al Reserve has raised its bench­mark lend­ing rate for the 10th con­sec­u­tive time, as it push­es to fight infla­tion while seek­ing to pre­vent fresh bank­ing con­cerns from spread­ing.
  • We have a lot of com­mer­cial papers that banks have that may cause the col­lapse. The rea­son they are rais­ing inter­est rates is because of Biden’s explo­sive spend­ing. And the repub­li­cans respond­ed to the democ­rats, WHO, and Chi­na attack on this coun­try. You cant push the mon­ey out the win­dow that fast and this does not hap­pen. The mag­ic num­ber is 2% infla­tion and under Don­ald Trump it was under 2%. But they are work­ing hard to crush the mid­dle class. Now they can spin it into the debt cri­sis. Its it inter­est­ing that the Feds are rack­ing it in from the increase in inter­est rates on all the bor­rowed mon­ey from COVID
  • Fed­er­al Reserve Chair Jerome Pow­ell says that the US bank­ing sys­tem is sound and resilient Bank­ing insti­tu­tions will be bail­ing out the banks and it will be hand­ed down to the con­sumer via bank fees. Fri­day we are being told that more banks will col­lapse.
  • Look here: Strikes across Ukraine after Kyiv denies drone attack on Krem­lin.
  • And, Look here: Spe­cial Coun­sel probes han­dling of Mar-a-Lago sur­veil­lance video.
  • Mar­kets fin­ished low­er after the Fed raised rates for the 10th time this cycle.
  • Joe wont meet because we are ask­ing for this
  • McCarthys debt ceil­ing plan includes: rescind­ing unspent COVID funds, ban­ning Bidens stu­dent loan for­give­ness pro­gram, repeal­ing green ener­gy tax cred­its, killing new IRS fund­ing, work require­ments for some fed­er­al aid pro­grams. If Joe will come to the table and dis­cuss all this extra spend­ing would increase con­fi­dence in the sys­tem. Biden and McCarthy vie for lever­age as Deb­tas Debt-Ceil­ing C‑Ceiling Clock ticks down. White House details severe dam­age to the econ­o­my if the debt ceil­ing cri­sis occurs. You must live in fear. Fed rate hikes affect new mort­gages, car loans, and cred­it cards. What they leave out is you had a dis­count win­dow.
  • When the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment pass­es a bill, they dont spend the mon­ey at one time. The fed­er­al reserve gets a pur­chase order. They sell bonds to back the pur­chase order. The cor­rupt fed around the world, they kept telling you zero per­cent and they knew this would hap­pen. Not only you have to pay the inter­est rates on your car and home but you also pay the inter­est on the nation­al debt.
  • Time is run­ning out! June 1st is com­ing. If we dont do exact­ly what they tell you to do. The fed­er­al reserve has you as a hostage. And Jerome Pow­ell is telling you that we cant pro­tect you.
  • Mar-a-Lago is back in the news. Not Hunter Biden, Buris­ma, Jake Sul­li­van.

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