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Owning A Gun Will Be A Privilege, Title 42 Week, BlackRock Meet With Zelensky

  • They want own­ing a gun a priv­i­lege that you can lose. With­in min­utes of the shoot­ing they had the details on the shoot­er in Allen TX. Attack at Texas Mall was con­nect­ed to right-wing extrem­ism. Inves­ti­ga­tors exam­ine Texas gun­mans white suprema­cist views after 8 killed. Shoot­er may have been Neo-Nazi sym­pa­thiz­er. But in Nashville we can’t get any infor­ma­tion. Metro Police advised not to release Covenant shoot­ing records due to pend­ing lit­i­ga­tion. Gov. Abbott, you must act on gun vio­lence accord­ing to the edi­to­r­i­al board from The Dal­las Morn­ing News. We cant get the infor­ma­tion because of a trans­gen­der and the actu­al kill sheet in the trans­gen­der domes­tic ter­ror­ist com­mu­ni­ty. We cant find any infor­ma­tion on it. If you arent pay­ing atten­tion to men­tal health and the red flag laws. If you’re not pick­ing up, they are deter­mined that own­ing a gun will be a priv­i­lege rather than a right. The found­ing fathers nev­er intend­ed for you to lose your con­sti­tu­tion­al rights. Law­mak­ers deter­mine that you could lose the right based on crimes com­mit­ted. #1 Cause of death for chil­dren in the Unit­ed States is Guns, says the Cor­rupt Media. Your right to bear arms and own a gun they want to turn into a priv­i­lege.
  • Title 42 will end as if Biden did­nt know it was com­ing. It is Title 42 week. What is going on at the bor­der Amer­i­cans arent ok with that.
  • June 1 Janet Yellen says we are out of cash. Joe Biden poll num­bers are down. Are we prepar­ing to move Biden out of the way? Less than 35% think Biden has men­tal sharp­ness for a sec­ond term. On June 1 we are out of cash and the full faith in cred­it is at risk yet
  • CA pan­el approves repa­ra­tions pro­pos­al of up to $1.2 mil­lion each for black res­i­dents.. But activists demand more than $200 mil­lion at heat­ed pub­lic meet­ings. But activists believe it is nowhere near enough and demand­ed $200 mil­lion as some call it a fur­ther injus­tice and oth­ers called for direct cash pay­ments. As Cali­afor­man defaults on $18.6 bil­lion in debt, sad­dling employ­ers with the expense. CA’s recent deci­sion not to pay back some $20 bil­lion bor­rowed from the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment to cov­er unem­ploy­ment ben­e­fits dur­ing the pan­dem­ic will fall on the shoul­ders of the employ­ers, accord­ing to experts.
  • The Arab League agrees to rein­state Syr­ia after 12 years. The Mid­dle East polit­i­cal align­ment con­tin­ues its reset away from US influ­ence at a rapid pace. The for­eign min­is­ters from Arab League mem­ber states have agreed to accept Syr­i­an mem­ber­ship after a sus­pen­sion thats last­ed 12 years. Things are mov­ing away from US influ­ence at a rapid pace.
  • Black­Rock is now meet­ing with Zelen­sky in Ukraine. In Novem­ber, the Ukrain­ian Econ­o­my Min­istry and Black­Rock signed a MOU hir­ing Black­Rock as an advi­sor on Ukraines post-war recon­struc­tion. US tax­pay­ers pay the war bills, pri­vate firms get the prof­its. Hillary Clin­ton says that the only way to end Putins aggres­sion is to send more mon­ey to Ukraine. This is right before Black­Rock exec­u­tives met with Zelen­sky. Dont you see it yet? Theyre impos­ing the largest trans­fer of wealth from the Amer­i­can tax­pay­er to their pock­ets. Tuck­er Carl­son react­ing to a video of Zelen­sky thank­ing Black­Rock. Tuck­er has con­sis­tent­ly cov­ered the cor­rup­tion in Ukraine. In Feb­ru­ary this year Black­Rock dis­closed own­er­ship of $45.74 MM shares of Fox Cor­po­ra­tion. Now we know Tuck­er has been fired. Coin­ci­dence? Tuck­er Carl­son and Elon Musk dis­cuss work­ing togeth­er as Carl­son plots a new path for­ward in the media. They know exact­ly when the war would end. Black­rock is get­ting rich. Hillary says send more mon­ey to Ukraine. Black­rock meets with Zelen­sky. All your mon­ey is shift­ing. Remem­ber Trump got impeached over a per­fect phone call to Ukraine. Our media is total­ly in on this. Politi­cians are in on it. Chi­na is mak­ing a deal with ukraine. Do they know what day this war will end? JPMor­gan is over there at the same time they are bail­ing out banks over here. Now we are sit­ting with a debt ceil­ing cri­sis.
  • We have a cri­sis at our south­ern bor­der. It is wide open. We have ter­ror­ists cross­ing the south­ern bor­der, drugs cross­ing.

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