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Title 42 Ending: Is The US Prepared?

  • Peo­ple know Don­ald Trump told them the truth. Peo­ple are look­ing for the truth. What is the truth about Ukraine? Why did Biden let Putin go into ukraine. Although the lega­cy media wont tell you this, the peo­ple know that Trump told the truth, its the rea­son why his polls are going up.
  • Title 42 ends Thurs­day. They have kept it in place through the courts. If you are in office long enough to announce a re-elec­tion cam­paign you have had time to fix any prob­lems. Pres­i­dent Biden on Immi­gra­tion approval is 36%. Bor­der towns brace for chaos ahead of Title 42 expi­ra­tion. May­orkas says they are han­dling things and they have every­thing ready.
  • Kry­is­ten Sine­ma inter­view on the bor­der. We have a human­i­tar­i­an cri­sis on the south­ern bor­der and it will get worse because we are not pre­pared. Both par­ties have used the bor­der and immi­gra­tion has ben­e­fit­ed for decades. Many of them dont have to appear in court until 2033, 10 years from now. A bor­der state can not get any infor­ma­tion about the inflow of immi­grants when Title 42 expires. Either they arent shar­ing the infor­ma­tion or they don’t know what to expect. 1500 troops on the 2000 miles of bor­der. The 1500 troops are there to do paper­work, they arent there to enforce the law. The major­i­ty com­ing across the bor­der are sin­gle men. If you dont have con­se­quences at the bor­der, no mat­ter what you do they will keep com­ing. In the 80s it was male Mex­i­cans that came here to work. Now we have a mini UN over 60 coun­tries at the south­ern bor­der. They will keep com­ing if there isn’t a deter­rent. What is com­ing up through our south­ern bor­der. Biden has had 2 years. And mul­ti­ple years to stop it.

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