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More Information On Laptop Letter, It Was Signed To Give Biden A Talking Point

  • Bet­ter job han­dling the econ­o­my. 54% Trump, 36% Biden. Poten­tial 2024 matchup: 49% Trump, 42% Biden. Biden lost rounds with key groups: inde­pen­dents and blacks. Its because the Amer­i­can peo­ple know what is true. They know every­thing that Trump said is true. They may not like how he tweets or how he talks but they know what he said was true.
  • For­mer CIA chief Michael Mor­rell, who wrote an ex-spy let­ter dis­miss­ing The Posts Hunter Biden lap­top reports, mis­led singers by say­ing hed clear it with the agency. The ex-CIA chief who wrote the let­ter signed by 51 for­mer intel­li­gence offi­cials false­ly claim­ing that emails from Hunter Bidens lap­top pub­lished by The Post before the 2020 elec­tion where Russ­ian dis­in­for­ma­tion, mis­led his fel­low sig­na­to­ries when he assured them that he would clear the state­ment with the Repub­li­cans Review Board at the CIA the fol­low­ing day. In an Octo­ber 18, 2020, email obtained by The Post Michael Morell asks his fel­low spooks includ­ing for­mer CIA Direc­tors John Bren­nan, Leon Panet­ta and Mike Hay­den to sign the let­ter explain­ing that he and for­mer CIA agent Marc Poly­meropou­los had draft­ed the attached because we believe the Rus­sians were involved in some way in the Hunter Biden email issue and because we think Trump will attack Biden on the issue at this weeks debate and we want to give the VP a talk­ing point to use in response. Morell asks the CIA alum­ni in the group to high­light your Russ­ian work in their affil­i­a­tions when they sign the let­ter and assures them that he will secure pre-pub­li­ca­tion clear­ance from the CIA tomor­row. But the let­ter was pub­lished by Politi­co the fol­low­ing day Oct 19, 2020, leav­ing no time for the required pre-pub­li­ca­tion secu­ri­ty review by the CIA, a life­long oblig­a­tion of all for­mer agency employ­ees and a process that could take sev­er­al months. They had to get the let­ter done for the Octo­ber debate.
  • Email from Michael Morell to John Bren­nan try­ing to give the cam­paign par­tic­u­lar­ly dur­ing the debate, a talk­ing point to push back on Trump on this issue. They stole the 2020 elec­tion. They are all cor­rupt. They knew it and are all com­plic­it.
  • We must dis­man­tle the FBI and the CIA. Robert Kennedy Jr blames CIA for JFK assas­si­na­tion, fuel­ing con­tro­ver­sial claim. Demo­c­ra­t­ic WH con­tender Robert Kennedy Jr blames the CIA for the novem­ber 22 1963 assas­si­na­tion of his uncle Pres­i­dent John F Kennedy pro­claim­ing it beyond a rea­son­able doubt. Kennedy made the bomb­shell accu­sa­tion about a mur­der that’s spun many con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries dur­ing an inter­view. There is over­whelm­ing evi­dence that the CIA was involved in his mur­der. I think its beyond a rea­son­able doubt at this point. The evi­dence is over­whelm­ing that the CIA was involved in the mur­der and in the cov­er-up.
  • They steal elec­tions, they implant peo­ple all around the world that they want in place. You thought it was in Iraq. You thought Bin­Lau­den who mas­ter­mind­ed 9–11. They place peo­ple in posi­tions of lead­er­ship. The prob­lem is that we know it and we are tired of it and ready to stop it. That is why Trump is surg­ing in the polls. The Amer­i­can peo­ple are get­ting the truth and they know Don­ald Trump told the truth.

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