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The Debt Ceiling Crisis Is The Fear

  • We have the debt ceil­ing cri­sis com­ing up. They want you to think that June 1 the whole world will col­lapse. And there wont be enough mon­ey for social secu­ri­ty and the mil­i­tary. If you are in fear of the debt cri­sis, it cant be solved. The Trea­sury warns the US could hit the debt ceil­ing by June 1.
  • It is about the extreme maga repub­li­cans. We want you to pay our bills with the actu­al mon­ey you have and cut every­thing else. The democ­rats talk about invest­ment, spend­ing and rev­enue, not cuts. They plan to take a lot more mon­ey. Keep in mind the cor­rupt politi­cians in DC and move towards a respon­si­ble gov­ern­ment, it’s the MAGA repub­li­can fault. All the fear, and if you dont allow us to print more mon­ey at more rapid speeds. We will hold you hostage if we cant invest. You have to pay back the fed­er­al reserve. And you have to raise the debt ceil­ing to pay them.
  • They nev­er talk about cut­ting the debt, only cut­ting the deficit spend­ing.
  • https://rumble.com/embed/v2k44nq/?pub=j6waf

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