Home / News / Predicted That AI Will Take Over 80% Of Jobs

Predicted That AI Will Take Over 80% Of Jobs

  • Stop the Press White House bans The Post from Biden event as Hunter indict­ment looms and as near­ly 20 seats sit emp­ty. The White House press office barred The Post from attend­ing Pres­i­dent Bidens only day­time pub­lic event Mon­day as fed­er­al pros­e­cu­tors near a deci­sion on crim­i­nal­ly charg­ing first son Hunter Biden for tax fraud and oth­er crimes. The Post has close­ly cov­ered the pres­i­dents ties to his rel­a­tives for­eign deal­ings and first report­ed in Octo­ber 2020 on files from Hunters aban­doned lap­top that link Joe Biden to ven­tures in Chi­na and Ukraine. Biden, who false­ly char­ac­ter­ized The Posts report­ing as Russ­ian dis­in­for­ma­tion, appeared with Trans­porta­tion Sec­re­tary Pete Buttigieg to talk about air­line poli­cies. Biden ulti­mate­ly took no shout­ed ques­tions at the venue, which hous­es the set of a fake White House” and about 50 the­ater-style seats for reporters about 20 of which were emp­ty. In the same room this Feb­ru­ary, Biden chose to answer The Posts query about whether his fam­ilys links to Chi­na com­pro­mised his abil­i­ty to steer US pol­i­cy. He fumed about the lack of polite reporters and stormed out.
  • Broad­cast­ing leg­end John Roland who anchored New Yorks chan­nel 5 10pm news cast for thir­ty years dies at age 81.
  • Were all scared that a bad guy could grab it. Bill Gates Admits his fears over AI but slaps down the likes of Elon Musk call­ing for it to be paused. Bill Gates said he does­nt believe AI falling into the wrong hands is a major con­cern, and has argued against paus­ing AI devel­op­ment out of fear. Dur­ing an inter­view with ABC news, Gates empha­sized the impor­tance of empow­er­ing good actors with robust AI capa­bil­i­ties. He said respon­si­bil­i­ty lies with con­sumers them­selves who will need to learn to dis­cern trust­ed sources and dif­fer­en­ti­ate between what is real and what is not.
  • Remem­ber when we were hav­ing an employ­ment cri­sis. Cor­po­ra­tions around the world are not going to wait for you to get a job. They are not going to ask you to make a ham­burg­er for $20/hour. They ush­ered AI with covid. It was part of the plan.
  • AI could replace 80% of jobs in the next few years.
  • Kroger end­ing week­ly gro­cery store spe­cials in news­pa­pers.

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