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BKP Politics Weekly Recap: Debt Ceiling Deal

Our gov­ern­ment has saved you again. They cre­at­ed the cri­sis. They cre­at­ed the fear around the cri­sis. They did the smoke and mir­rors to do the right things, the bipar­ti­san thing that saved the Amer­i­can peo­ple once again. Cri­sis avert­ed. And now they will con­tin­ue to spend tril­lions of dol­lars of your mon­ey and sent it to Ukraine.

MTG vot­ed yes, and a lot of her col­leagues are upset in DC. MTG did a video yes­ter­day morn­ing say­ing that she lives in real­i­ty, there are always impli­ca­tions of what you say.

Trump says that he can get rid of the Deep State in six months. Ron D wants 8 years to turn this ship around. He is lay­ing the ground work telling you that Trump has only 4 years. In Ron D’s first term he will do all he can to make sure he gets the sec­ond term, he is already wor­ried about re-elec­tion. We don’t want to hear an 8 year plan. You won’t do what needs to be done to do what needs to be done in DC to turn the ship around. We want a pres­i­dent that will go into the Oval Office and not give a damn to clean house.

GA has an upcom­ing con­ven­tion. The GOP announced that the Vic­to­ry Din­ner speak­er would be Mike Pence. They got so many phone calls at the GOP that they nixed it. The sto­ry that they are telling is that Pence is announc­ing in IA that he is run­ning for pres­i­dent. Then he is doing a town hall that will pre­vent him from com­ing to GA Fri­day night. Mike Pence does­n’t want it to go viral that he gets booed while he is try­ing to cam­paign for pres­i­dent. Now that Pence backed out, Kari Lake is the keynote speak­er.


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