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If You Go After The Biden Crime Family The Deep State Media Counters

  • If you go after the Biden crime fam­i­ly the deep state media coun­ters.
  • James Com­er: On my call with FBI Direc­tor Wray, the FBI final­ly con­firmed the exis­tence of the FD-1023 form alleg­ing then-VP Joe Biden engaged in a crim­i­nal bribery scheme. Any­thing short of pro­duc­ing these doc­u­ments to the Over­sight com­mit­tee is not in com­pli­ance with my sub­poe­na. Today, FBI Direc­tor Wray con­firmed the exis­tence of FD-1023 form alleg­ing then VP Biden engaged in a crim­i­nal bribery scheme with a for­eign nation­al. How­ev­er, Direc­tor Wray did not com­mit to pro­duc­ing the doc­u­ments sub­poe­naed by the House Over­sight Com­mit­tee. While Direc­tor Wray after a month of refus­ing to even acknowl­edge that the form exist­ed has offered to allow us to see the doc­u­ment in per­son at FBI head­quar­ters, we have been clear that any­thing short of pro­duc­ing these doc­u­ments to the House Over­sight Com­mit­tee is not in com­pli­ance with the sub­poe­na. IF the FBI fails to hand over the FD-1023 form as required by the sub­poe­na, the House Over­sight Com­mit­tee will begin con­tempt of Con­gress pro­ceed­ings.
  • Muf­fin response: Jesus, Karine Jean-Pier­res stunned response when White House spokesman John Kir­by is asked if Joe Biden is cor­rupt because of fam­ilys for­eign busi­ness deals.
  • Imme­di­ate­ly this is what hap­pens.
  • EXCLUSIVE: Trump cap­tured on tape talk­ing about clas­si­fied doc­u­ments he kept after leav­ing the White House. Pros­e­cu­tors obtained audio in which Trump acknowl­edged he retained clas­si­fied papers on Iran.
  • The very next day they have a Trump counter report. As the cam­paign ramps up. Trump will get the tri­fec­ta of bogus indict­ments.
  • They nev­er talk about the Biden doc­u­ments. Do you know the spe­cial coun­cil on the Joe Biden doc­u­ments? Do you know about the progress?
  • Jus­tice Depart­ment sues son of West Vir­ginia repub­li­can Gov Jim Jus­tice to col­lect $5 mil­lion in unpaid fines from 13 min­ing com­pa­nies — as Demo­c­rat Joe Manchin — backed pipeline is set to slide through in debt deal. Gov Jus­tice is seek­ing to unseat Manchin in a close­ly watched Sen­ate race. Yes­ter­day we ran the polling num­bers. Jus­tice is up 22 points over Manchin.
  • Ron DeSan­tis came to the GA capi­tol the day after the leg­isla­tive ses­sion end­ed to talk with the lead­er­ship of GA. Ron DeSan­tis is not run­ning the cam­paign. He is instruct­ed by his wife, Casey, and Karl Rove.
  • You would­nt know that Kennedy is run­ning. Kennedy is polling high­er than DeSan­tis.
  • Dont get dis­cour­aged by the bat­tle we are up against. Nik­ki Haley, Tim Scott, Vivek are get­ting air time. Pence and Christie are get­ting air time. Every day they are implant­i­ng 8 years vs 4. DeSan­tis can get 8 years. And you have the vot­er that they real­ly like Trump but he has too many legal irons in the fire.
  • AL Gov Kay Ivey bans trans­gen­der ath­letes from com­pet­ing against women in col­lege sports as con­cerns about ath­let­ic fair­ness grow across the nation. The law comes two months after Ivey signed a bill mak­ing it a felony to pro­vide sex-alter­ing med­ica­tion to chil­dren in the state.
  • Tar­get los­es $12 Bil­lion in 14 days. Retail giants mar­ket cap plum­mets after longest los­ing streak in five years. As shares drop to low­est lev­el in a year amid pride tuck-friend­ly swimwear con­tro­ver­sy.
  • All hell is break­ing loose.
  • Erik Car­nell is a trans­gen­der British design­er who says Tar­get and Bud Light have exposed the dan­gers of rain­bow cap­i­tal­ism ahead of Pride month. It is not cap­i­tal­ism if you are try­ing to groom babies.
  • Break­ing News: Project Ver­i­tas is suing its founder James OKeefe to stop him from doing under­cov­er jour­nal­ism. Big Phar­ma try­ing to stop him.

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