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BKP Politics Weekly Recap — Is the US turning into a Cinderella story?

  • Is the US turn­ing into a Cin­derel­la sto­ry? Last night at mid­night we turned into venezuela. They nev­er find all the sin­gle men that are cross­ing the bor­der, they always find the fam­i­lies.
  • The MSM is on fire because of CNN town hall. How many of you were wait­ing for him to set her straight?
  • The cities are pro­vid­ing the ser­vices for the ille­gals that are cross­ing the bor­der. Not the home­less. The vet­er­ans that have men­tal issues that are liv­ing on the streets. But if you are ille­gal and dont have to show up for court for 10 years you get hous­ing, med­ical and food.
  • Yes­ter­day morn­ing, the GA court of appeals returned the Vot­er GA case on coun­ter­feit bal­lots back to court. Vot­er GA does have stand­ing. We were right there with the plan to audit the bal­lots in Ful­ton Coun­ty before Judge Amero said Voter­GA did­nt have stand­ing. A repub­li­can attor­ney gen­er­al Chris Carr enters an ami­cus brief on behalf of repub­li­can sec­re­tary of state Brad Raf­fensperg­er and then all of a sud­den we dont have stand­ing. Usu­al­ly stand­ing is deter­mined at the begin­ning of the case.
  • We have repub­li­cans that are com­ing after us.
  • Car­o­line Jef­fords is the cit­i­zen plain­tiff in the case. She has the guts and courage. IF you have a prayer list out there, put her on it. We will pos­si­bly open the bal­lots in Ful­ton Coun­ty. There may be that data that we want to see.
  • We did­nt get what we real­ly need­ed out of the lat­est leg­isla­tive ses­sion. They always wor­ry about the court. They always pass the lit­tle bill to cre­ate an illu­sion of doing some­thing. But they did­nt do any­thing for elec­tion integri­ty. They are not doing any­thing about the drop box­es or elec­tion sea­son. Mark Zucker­burg pur­chased the last elec­tion with his Zucker­bucks. The cit­i­zens want­ed to stop it but the GA leg­is­la­ture played smoke and mir­rors, now out­side elec­tion grants, Zucker­bucks, will now go to the state elec­tion board which will prob­a­bly end up in the hands of Brad Raf­fensperg­er. What we need in the next leg­isla­tive ses­sion we need zero out­side elec­tion grants. Brad Raf­fensperg­er was at the CEIR. The chair of CEIR is David Beck­er. David Beck­er devel­oped ERIC and guess who donat­ed 69 mil­lion to CEIR Mark Zucker­burg. Is Brad get­ting the grant mon­ey or is he get­ting the details about how they are going to steal the elec­tion.

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