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All Star Political Panel — Why did CNN give Trump the air time?

  • Why did CNN give Trump the air time? It was a trap to catch Trump. Collins con­vinced CNN that she knew every­thing about Trump and could do the inter­view. Lyte thought that the 8 o’clock hour was free due to Tuck­er. Trump did it to get to the demo­c­rat view­ers. CNN was try­ing to go after the inde­pen­dents. Every­time Trump went into the poli­cies, Collins talked over him. Trump did­nt let her talk over him. He com­mand­ed the stage. It was sup­posed to be a town hall and not a debate between some twit.
  • What CNN real­ly did was that Trump will not accept the results of the 2020 elec­tion. The focus was to not talk about any­thing in the future.
  • Trump has had a knife in his back 7 days a week. And he is still stand­ing. And does­nt need help on and off the stage.
  • The elec­tion needs to be secure for Trump to win even if the nation­al guard has to go in to secure the elec­tion.
  • Trump takes every­thing head on.
  • Repa­ra­tions in CA. War on pover­ty has caused tril­lions of dol­lars. They sen­sa­tion­al­ize the mon­ey, every­thing has a qual­i­fi­er and that can add up. The mon­ey that has been spent already in the inner cities and wel­fare. And col­lege require­ments have been changed and employ­ment as well. All of these things were done to make things bet­ter for minori­ties and the poor. The democ­rats have destroyed these com­mu­ni­ties and want to rebuild to look like the hero with the tax­pay­er mon­ey.
  • Wal­mart is the largest employ­er in the world and sells more per year than any oth­er com­pa­ny. If McCarthy could nego­ti­ate with Bdi­en on these bureau­cra­cies like the depart­ment of edu­ca­tion, depart­ment of ener­gy, depart­ment of trans­porta­tion, etc. None of the depart­ments advance the issue, only deter­mine where the fund­ing goes across the coun­try. We could elim­i­nate a lot of the dead weight.
  • Trump brought back hope. They had to change his focus with the impeach­ments because he was find­ing out way too much. The only solu­tion is to elec­tion some­one that is busi­ness mind­ed that has the guts to do what needs to be done.
  • Con­fi­dence in the gov­ern­ment is zero. We have 50 for­mer intel­li­gence offi­cers that signed a let­ter that was not true with their titles and not cit­i­zens. A very small per­cent­age of Amer­i­cans know the real­i­ty. Unless they choose to go to the news net­works, the Amer­i­can peo­ple arent get­ting the infor­ma­tion.

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