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Donald Trump Disrupted The Deep State, They Had To Stop It

  • Don­ald Trump put a real knick in the deep state. He dis­rupt­ed every­thing. In 2020 they had to steal it. If this guy gets in he knows how to stop it. We can not lose hope. Its game over if they steal 2024. If we get Trump elect­ed in 2024, we will bring down the FBI, the CIA, the deep state, and the cor­po­rate cor­rupt media. Yes­ter­day was one more real­iza­tion of how the cor­po­rate cor­rupt media manip­u­lat­ed the peo­ple with the mock­ing­bird nar­ra­tive.
  • They con­demn you and I. because we are skep­ti­cal over an elec­tion but we know the FBI, Clin­tons, Oba­ma, the media, it was their duty to go as far to com­mit crimes because Trump was that bad. A report comes out that none of it was true.
  • FBI State­ment on Durham Report: The con­duct in 2016 and 2017 that Spe­cial Coun­sel Durham exam­ined was the rea­son that cur­rent FBI lead­er­ship already imple­ment­ed dozens of cor­rec­tive actions, which have now been in place for some time. FBI push­es back against Durham Report con­clu­sions.
  • Any­one that is fac­ing a crim­i­nal charge today. Mem­o­rize this: …to solid­i­fy the impor­tance of doing the right thing in the right way, every time. What dis­tin­guish­es great orga­ni­za­tions is whether they learn from pri­or fail­ures and use them as oppor­tu­ni­ties to improve.
  • DeSan­tis polit­i­cal shop moves offices, start­ing count­down to 2024 announce­ment. On one hand he backs the Durham report then DeSan­tis lam­bastes GOPs Cul­ture of Los­ing Could the cul­ture of los­ing have any­thing to do with McCabe and Comey?
  • You have zero cul­ture of los­ing. Trump is not respon­si­ble for los­ing any­thing. He came into the swamp with Mitch McConnell and Paul ryan. He was imme­di­ate­ly under inves­ti­ga­tion every sin­gle day with a knife in his back. The impeach­ments and witch hunts con­tin­ued. Then the pan­dem­ic hap­pened. And they installed Joe Biden. They had to cheat because they had to stop Trump. Then DeSan­tis comes out to say a cul­ture of los­ing any­one run­ning for office knows that Trump did noth­ing to hurt this coun­try.
  • And you dont think Trump wont have the guts in a sec­ond term to do what needs to be done.
  • FBI direc­tor James Comey was fired by Trump on May 9, 2017. Trump abrupt­ly ter­mi­nat­ed the top offi­cial lead­ing a crim­i­nal inves­ti­ga­tion into whether Mr. Trump’s advis­ers col­lud­ed with the Russ­ian gov­ern­ment to steer the out­come of the 2016 pres­i­den­tial elec­tion.
  • Durham said that this was all set up. Comey knew it was all set up.
  • Vivek Ramaswamy: In 1964 the FBI tried to black­mail MKL into com­mit­ting sui­cide. Almost 60 years lat­er, the same admin­is­tra­tive agency con­tin­ues to tar­get and destroy its polit­i­cal ene­mies. This needs to final­ly end. Shut down the FBI — and yes, this is much more prac­ti­cal than it sounds.
  • Vivek is cor­rect.
  • After you are elect­ed pres­i­dent of the US and inau­gu­rat­ed. The FBI direc­tor walks in and basi­cal­ly checks to see if the pres­i­dent will work with them.

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