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How Do We Convince People That Have Been Lied To For Years?

  • Are we going to be able to con­vince the peo­ple that they have been lied to for years? The CNN town hall paint­ed Trump as a liar. Now the Durham report vin­di­cates Trump. Are we at a cross­roads where we are accept­ing the deep state and part of the fab­ric of the coun­try and have no inter­est in tak­ing on. And real­ize the deep state and CIA will pick the next pres­i­dent and we will just move on as long as we have a car and a house. Or will we take this time to walk through the door to end the deep state. The door will nev­er be open again. Will we go through the com­fort door or will we go through the door that con­tains every­thing we believe in and walk on the rock road and take on that bat­tle.
  • The nar­ra­tive the oth­er day was that Trump was a liar. The Durham report drops and Jake Tap­per comes on to say that the report was dev­as­tat­ing to the FBI and exon­er­at­ed Don­ald Trump. They have cleaned it up. They wrote nar­ra­tives that it was noth­ing new here and no foul play. They switched the nar­ra­tive that there is noth­ing to see from the Durham Report.
  • Jonathan Tur­ley: Giv­en Durhams find­ings that there was no basis for the actions tak­en by the FBI in launch­ing this inves­ti­ga­tion, this would be a good time for for­mer House Intel­li­gence Chair Adam Schiff to reveal that evi­dence he said showed the Russ­ian col­lu­sion
  • Every sin­gle time Trump says some­thing there is some truth in it some­where that you need to pay atten­tion too.
  • Hilary Clin­ton: Com­put­er sci­en­tists have appar­ent­ly uncov­ered a covert serv­er link­ing the Trump Orga­ni­za­tion to a Russ­ian-based bank. State­ment from Jake Sul­li­van on New report expos­ing Trumps secret line of com­mu­ni­ca­tion to Rus­sia. Remem­ber they made it all up. Jake Sul­li­van is com­mu­ni­ca­tion direc­tor for Hillary Clin­ton. Jake Sul­li­van is in the Biden admin­is­tra­tion. What they want to tell you is that Durham could­nt get one indict­ment. Alvin Bragg dusts off the Stormy Daniels case and gets an indict­ment. E Jean Car­roll says that Don­ald Trump rav­ished her and she got $5 mil­lion bucks.
  • Gen­er­al Mike Fly­nn: The Amer­i­can peo­ple need to under­stand what this attempt­ed coup ( I have no bet­ter word for it) did to our coun­try. REad the report for your­self and let it sink in
  • Byron Don­alds: As a result of ELECTION INTERFERENCE by Hillary Clin­ton and the DNC in the 2016 elec­tion, Pres­i­dent Trump faced 4+ years of relent­less inves­ti­ga­tions and nar­ra­tives BASED ON A LIE. The DOJ and FBI were active­ly work­ing AGAINST him and the will of THE PEOPLE. Trump was right.
  • Vivek Ramaswamy: In 1964 the FBI tried to black­mail MKL into com­mit­ting sui­cide. Almost 60 years lat­er, the same admin­is­tra­tive agency con­tin­ues to tar­get and destroy its polit­i­cal ene­mies. This needs to final­ly end. Shut down the FBI — and yes, this is much more prac­ti­cal than it sounds.
  • Roger Stone: So I was con­vict­ed of lying to Con­gress about Russ­ian Col­lu­sion that Spe­cial Coun­sel John Durham has now estab­lished nev­er actu­al­ly exist­ed. Right.
  • Simona Papadopou­los: BREAKING: Accord­ing to the 306-page Durham report, the Oba­ma FBI tried and failed to obtain a FISA war­rant to spy on my hus­band George Papadopou­los. Spe­cial pros­e­cu­tor Durham con­clud­ed that nei­ther US nor the Intel­li­gence Com­mu­ni­ty appears to have pos­sessed any actu­al evi­dence of col­lu­sion in their hold­ings at the com­mence­ment of the Cross­fire Hur­ri­cane inves­ti­ga­tion. We have been telling you that already 5 years ago. Now its time these peo­ple face con­se­quences.
  • They altered the doc­u­ments to get the FISA war­rants and no one is in jail.
  • Sarah Huck­abee Sanders: Mueller and the media put our coun­try through hell and the Durham report is a vin­di­ca­tion of Pres­i­dent Trump and those of us who said all along it was a par­ti­san witch hunt. An abuse of pow­er and media fail­ure of his­toric pro­por­tions, those respon­si­ble must be held account­able.
  • She was in that White House. She had to go into the press room to bat­tle this.
  • Can you find a tweet or a com­ment from Bri­an Kemp the gov­er­nor of GA con­cern­ing the Durham report? The witch hunt? Or what about AG Chris Carr? Or SOS Brad Raf­fensperg­er? Maybe there is some­thing to look at in the 2020 elec­tion due to the con­stant witch hunt after Don­ald Trump.
  • Media head­lines: DeSan­tis: Repub­li­can Par­ty has a Cul­ture of Los­ing. Durham Report: Anoth­er Dud. Duham bomb­shell fiz­zles out.

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