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What Happened To This Place? Its The Great Replacement!

  • What the F hap­pened to this place? come­di­an Dave Chap­pelle slams San Fran­cis­co as half glee, half zom­bie movie as he recalls a man defe­cat­ing out­side a restau­rant he was about to eat in. Flesh-eat­ing zom­bie drug tranq takes over LA streets as users with rot­ting skin are seen hunched over and spaced out across the city — while offi­cials say they cant ban it because its legal. New­soms office now says hes open to repa­ra­tions pay­outs, media sen­sa­tion­al­ized pre­vi­ous remarks.
  • Trump con­tin­ues to blast E Jean Car­roll. But when Tara Reade accus­es Biden of sex­u­al assault it is qui­et. no trail. No media cov­er­age.
  • An Afghan on FBI ter­ror watch­list is arrest­ed at the south­ern bor­der try­ing to ille­gal­ly creep into the US with a group of migrants — bor­der agents slam Joe Biden for not extend­ing Title 42. 5 mil­lion have crossed the bor­der 1.5 mil­lion have got­ten away. The ones that have crossed the bor­der have a court date that is 10 years. As soon as they put a foot on US soil they are treat­ed a dif­fer­ent way. We dont know how many that got away are ter­ror­ists and dont have a court date. And we have catch and release. That is what a judge stopped. The great replace­ment just says what it is.
  • Zelen­sjy in UK to shore up sup­port for coun­terof­fen­sive. He is try­ing to get all the dona­tions he can get before he has to lose the war
  • Biden top hill lead­ers set to meet tomor­row as default looms. Who put this guy back on a bicy­cle? They want to scare you because Don­ald Trump says the default. Run the coun­try as the found­ing fathers intend­ed. Pay­ment pri­or­i­ti­za­tion with tax­pay­er mon­ey. What if every Amer­i­can got a sur­vey today. Pri­or­i­tize inter­est, seniors, vet­er­ans and then after that the behe­moth bureau­cra­cies. We have allowed the gov­ern­ment to inter­twine with the cap­i­tal­ist econ­o­my that it teaters with the gov­ern­ment dai­ly. We are com­min­gling the gov­ern­ment and econ­o­my so tight that if some­thing hap­pens it will unrav­el. We dont have a true cap­i­tal­ist sys­tem that is turn­ing the eco­nom­ic engine. Gov­ern­ment can not turn the eco­nom­ic engine.

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