Home / Featured Segments / China Owns The EV Minerals, Kemp Making GA EV Capital of US, Deals With China?

China Owns The EV Minerals, Kemp Making GA EV Capital of US, Deals With China?

  • Remem­ber when Jim­my Carter gave away the Pana­ma canal. We paid for the canal. We built Afghanistan and gave it away to chi­na. We built Iraq and we gave it to Iran and Chi­na. Every­thing we do we just give it away.
  • They are excit­ed about elec­tric vehi­cles. They are so excit­ed that they are turn­ing GA into the elec­tric vehi­cle cap­i­tal of the coun­try. Biden and the left­’s green new deal should be excit­ed about what just hap­pened in GA.
  • State­ment from Pres­i­dent Joe Biden on Unit­ed Steel­work­ers Vote in Fort Val­ley, GA. Con­grat­u­la­tions to the work­ers at Blue Bird in Fort Val­ley, GA on their vote to union­ize and join the Unit­ed Steel­work­ers. The men and women at Blue Bird are build­ing elec­tric school bus­es that are pow­er­ing Amer­i­ca’s clean ener­gy future, low­er­ing green­house gas emis­sions, and ensur­ing our kids breathe clean­er air. The fact is: the mid­dle class built Amer­i­ca. And unions built the mid­dle class. That’s why my Invest­ing in Amer­i­ca Agen­da is about cre­at­ing good-pay­ing jobs jobs that dont require a four year degree, jobs you can raise a fam­i­ly on. Jobs where you get a free and fair choice to join a union. Where is it writ­ten that Amer­i­ca cant lead the world again in man­u­fac­tur­ing? The work­ers at Blue Bird, and at com­pa­nies just like it all over the coun­try, are prov­ing the future can and will be built in Amer­i­ca. And union work­ers will be a big part of that future.
  • Chi­na tight­ens stran­gle­hold on Latin Amer­i­ca and Caribbeanas Biden dithers: Gen­er­al warns that Bei­jing has built a Space Sta­tion in Argenti­na that could blind US, signed 21 coun­tries up to trade pact and bought key ports on Pana­ma Canal. Com­man­ders in the Pen­ta­gon are wor­ried about Bei­jings grow­ing influ­ence on Latin Amer­i­ca and the Caribbean. Chi­na has pumped tens of bil­lions of dol­lars into the region while embark­ing on major ener­gy and infra­struc­ture projects. As Bei­jings pow­er has grown, Amer­i­c­as has dimin­ished thanks in part to Wash­ing­tons fail­ure to install ambas­sadors in sev­er­al major coun­tries. Chi­nese-linked firms con­trol key ports at both ends of the Pana­ma Canal. Pic­tured: A ship nav­i­gates through the Pana­ma Canal in the area near the Amer­i­c­as Bridge in Pana­ma City on April 24, 2023. The Chi­nese have also invest­ed heav­i­ly in the Lithi­um Tri­an­gle where the major­i­ty of earths sup­ply of the min­er­al dubbed white gold is found. The min­er­al is essen­tial for tech­nol­o­gy of the future like renew­able ener­gy sys­tems and elec­tric cars. In Pana­ma, the US has also expressed con­cerns about Chi­nas own­er­ship of major ports at both the Atlantic and Pacif­ic ends of the Pana­ma Canal, which car­ries about $270 bil­lion of car­go each year.
  • They would rather give you a report on Trump and 2020. Look at where Chi­na is at. They wont talk about the Pana­ma canal and the lithi­um tri­an­gle.
  • Pres­i­dent Joe Biden prais­es big labor win in rur­al Geor­gia.
  • If any­one talks about GA being the ev cap­i­tal of the US and they want to say that we have zero deals with Chi­na. You cant do any­thing with EV with­out Chi­na being involved. Kemp has sold his soul to Chi­na.
  • You have to have lithi­um (white gold) to make the elec­tric vehi­cles. And you cant say you dont have deals with Chi­na. How much has Chi­na invest­ed in GA?
  • Let’s get the research team on Vivek and George Soros.

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