Home / Featured Segments / Garland Favorito VoterGA.org on Unsealing Fulton Co Ballots Case

Garland Favorito VoterGA.org on Unsealing Fulton Co Ballots Case

  • Gar­land
  • You hear that the case did­nt have stand­ing or lack of stand­ing and Trump could­nt get into court. You can’t see injus­tice and bring a law­suit. The indi­vid­ual that was harmed has to bring the law­suit. When a judge first gets a case, imme­di­ate­ly in the case, the stand­ing is deter­mined. A court­room and judges cost a lot of mon­ey so the stand­ing is the first task in a case.
  • Ful­ton Coun­ty and Judge Amero are pos­si­bly look­ing at ways to avoid the case.
  • We arent mov­ing on because we want the truth.

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