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Official Narrative Today: Trump Refused To Admit He Lost 2020

  • Biden makes a bizarre joke about how think his mom and dads walls were then to be told AGAIN which way to walk off the stage.
  • They have to stay away from the age thing or draw a con­trast or par­al­lel between Biden and Trump.
  • Trump is a mas­ter of the media. Why did he go to CNN? Was that a win for Trump? He attempt­ed to talk about infla­tion, col­lapse of the econ­o­my but they want­ed to talk about 2020. We get in trou­ble if we talk about 2020 but they pushed it. He has to admit because if you dont admit every­thing they say they seek to destroy you. They pushed the nar­ra­tive as hard as they could last night.
  • Trump digs in on the 2020 elec­tion lies. Trump, at town hall, denies E Jean Car­roll rape alle­ga­tions, Nik­ki Haley can­not bring her­self to crit­i­cize Trumps sex­u­al abuse ver­dict. Don­ald Trump will nev­er get a fair tri­al in NYC.
  • Trumps sex­u­al abuse ver­dict wont hurt his 2024 pri­ma­ry chances, friends and foes says.
  • Offi­cial nar­ra­tive of the day, Trump still refus­es to admit he lost the 2020 elec­tion. Trump: Im inclined to par­don many Jan­u­ary 6 riot­ers. Trump repeats false claim of rigged 2020 elec­tion.
  • We know there is a rea­son there is a war in Ukraine today. Because Trump is not pres­i­dent today. Joe Biden allowed it. Every sin­gle thing Trump said would hap­pen has hap­pened. It does not mat­ter whether you like him or not, none of this would be hap­pen­ing if Trump was pres­i­dent.
  • AOC and Joy Behar lead back­lash to Trumps Town Hall claim­ing the audi­ence is stacked with his cult as oth­ers say for­mer pres­i­dent walked all over CNN Kait­lan Collins who he called nasty. You are a Nasty per­son. Trump scolds Kait­lan Collins in wild CNN town hall where he mocked E Jean Car­roll sex abuse claims as han­ky panky and her cat named vagi­na defend­ed Jan­u­ary 6 riot­ers and con­stant­ly refused to say he lost to Biden.
  • The news media wants to cre­ate your real­i­ty. And if you dont live in the real­i­ty they have cre­at­ed for you they get very angry.
  • Some­thing to hide? FBI refus­es to hand over doc­u­ment that Repub­li­cans claim proves Biden was involved in an ille­gal bribery scheme with a for­eign nation­al.
  • The Biden fam­i­ly pock­et­ed $1 Mil­lion from con­vict­ed Roman­ian while VP Joe gave anti-cor­rup­tion speech in Bucharest GOP influ­ence ped­dling probe into $10M in for­eign cash reveals Hunter set up 15 com­pa­nies after his dad became VP.
  • What kind of busi­ness does the Bidens have? Joe was sworn into office when it was a kid. Has Joe ever received a pay­check from the pri­vate sec­tor? Who set up all these things for Hunter? Hunter is all about drugs and hook­ers.
  • 21 days to US debt default.
  • Title 42 rules expire tonight at 11:59pm
  • They cant get Hunter Biden, Antony Blinken, the 51 agents.

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