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Ron DeSantis Failure To Launch

  • It is now to stop the FBI, it is now to stop the chi­na aggres­sion. Trump is ready now. Did DeSan­tis lis­ten to the wrong peo­ple to have his launch on Twit­ter. They did­nt break the inter­net, they made a poor deci­sion.
  • David Sacks: Ron DeSan­tis announces hes run­ning for pres­i­dent on Twit­ter. This was by far the biggest room ever held on social media. Twit­ter per­formed great after some ini­tial scal­ing chal­lenges. Thanks Twit­ter Team for adapt­ing so quick­ly to make his­to­ry!
  • David Sacks was the mod­er­a­tor. Who is David Sacks? Is a megadonor that is pulling DeSan­tis strings.
  • Vivek Ramaswamy: Chal­lenge to the GOP field: no pre-writ­ten speech­es. No teleprompters. No pre-script­ed inter­views. Thatll be good for authen­tic­i­ty, good for Amer­i­ca. I promise to abide.
  • Vivek Ramaswamy: Inter­est­ed to know whether Ron Desan­tis wouldve sup­port­ed the bailout of Sil­i­con Val­ley Bank depos­i­tors. Since his megadonor David Sacks was the most vocal sup­port­er of that bailout and hes mod­er­at­ing the Twit­ter Spaces with Ron tonight, he should ask. A legit­i­mate pol­i­cy ques­tion for a Pres­i­den­tial can­di­date.
  • When you hear that Ron DeSan­tis brought in a mil­lion dol­lars last night. They have donors ready and it is all staged. They know that before it starts.
  • Tim scott and Nik­ki Haley had a good roll out. Vivek had a good roll out. Asa did­nt have a bad roll out. It is who they sur­round them­selves with.
  • We con­tin­ue to hear what DeSan­tis has done in FL. He has done a great job. But step­ping out to the nation­al spot­light with Karl Rove and David Sacks and who­ev­er had the bright idea to do this as a pres­i­den­tial launch. We are tired of the deep state run­ning the show of cor­rup­tion. Tired of Oba­ma run­ning the show. We dont want the next pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States to know who is run­ning the show.
  • David Sacks jus­ti­fies bailout by high­light­ing elite pri­vate board­ing schools claim­ing that a fail­ure to guar­an­tee all Sil­i­con Val­ley Bank deposits would hurt mom and pop busi­ness­es Sacks then chose the worst pos­si­ble exam­ple.
  • David Sacks knows that it is not your mom and pop busi­ness.
  • A small non-prof­it school far from Sil­i­con Val­ley reached out to tell me that they are an SVB cus­tomer. If they had­nt got­ten access to their funds, teach­ers would have been laid off. These are the kind of inno­cent bystanders you cre­ate if you dont pro­tect deposits.
  • This is the guy that was mod­er­at­ing DeSan­tis last night.
  • Every­thing is about Ron DeSan­tis.. But why is CBS cov­er­ing the IRS whistle­blow­er and how they were to slow walk the inves­ti­ga­tion on Hunter Biden.
  • GA in 2024 can­not trust the elec­tions as long as Brad Raf­fensperg­er is in charge.

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