Home / News / IRS Whistleblower Speaking Out, FBI Refuses To Share Doc On Biden

IRS Whistleblower Speaking Out, FBI Refuses To Share Doc On Biden

  • Dis­turb­ing footage shows the Chica­go police sta­tion lob­by filled with Mat­tress­es and migrants as crime-rid­den city strug­gles to house around 200 new bor­der crossers arriv­ing each day.
  • Dozens of new immi­grants are join­ing Chica­go Pub­lic Schools as the school year nears end. As many as 50 immi­grant chil­dren joined Zap­a­ta Acad­e­my and a dozen enrolled in local high school. Where are these kids? All over this coun­try.
  • There are 5 mil­lion plus. The chil­dren are in your schools. They are get­ting food, water, lodg­ing and all the above. Maybe that is why we have to con­tin­ue to sell trea­sury bonds to sup­port the 6.5 mil­lion that have come into this coun­try. You will end up going broke.
  • IRS whistle­blow­er files for­mal com­plaint alleg­ing he was side­lined, passed over for pro­mo­tion and removed from Hunter Biden tax probe after accus­ing DOJ of show­ing pres­i­den­t’s son favor­able treat­ment. An IRS agent work­ing on a crim­i­nal tax probe involv­ing Hunter Biden says the DOJ passed him over for a pro­mo­tion and removed him from the inves­ti­ga­tion for flag­ging alleged favor­able treat­ment giv­en to the pres­i­dents son. The male agent, who has not been iden­ti­fied, filed a for­mal com­plaint MOn­day into what he claims was back­lash he suf­fered for act­ing as a whistle­blow­er into alleged unfair treat­ment. His com­plaint comes days after the DOJ removed the entire team prob­ing Hunter Bidens tax returns. That removal forms part of the lat­est com­plaint, and alleged­ly came in retal­i­a­tion against a whistle­blow­er who alleged his col­leagues were cov­er­ing up the pres­i­den­t’s sons finan­cial crimes. The agent made his com­plaint after IRS com­mis­sion­er Daniel Wefel told Con­gress in late April that his agency would not retal­i­ate against whistle­blow­ers.
  • Anoth­er IRS inves­ti­ga­tor claims Hunter Biden inquiry mis­con­duct. The crim­i­nal probe into Hunter Biden took anoth­er wild turn as an IRS inves­ti­ga­tor who was dis­missed from the case says agency offi­cials have been ignor­ing claims that the Jus­tice depart­ment has been mis­han­dling the inquiry led by US attor­ney David Weiss. A spe­cial agent, who works under the IRS super­vi­sor seek­ing to make whistle­blow­er dis­clo­sures to Con­gress regard­ing alle­ga­tions that the inves­ti­ga­tion has been cor­rupt­ed by lies and pol­i­tics, said efforts to bring for­ward these issues were shunned by their direct IRS supe­ri­ors in the Crim­i­nal Inves­ti­ga­tion Divi­sion for years, accord­ing to an email to agency lead­er­ship.
  • This is what they think is news
  • E. Jean Car­rolls amend­ed com­plaint: Trump’s defam­a­to­ry state­ments post-ver­dict show the depth of his mal­ice toward Car­roll since it is hard to imag­ine defam­a­to­ry con­duct that could pos­si­bly be more moti­vat­ed by hatred, ill will or spite.
  • Trump orga­ni­za­tion sub­poe­naed on busi­ness deal­ing with for­eign coun­tries.
  • We dont have any­thing that is hap­pen­ing with the spe­cial coun­sel against Joe Biden. We get some­thing on the Mar-a-Lago doc­u­ments. Now sub­poe­naed Trump Orga­ni­za­tion records on all their for­eign coun­tries’ deal­ings to be able to com­pare what they seized at Mar-a-Lago.
  • The FBI was infil­trat­ed with­in the mob on Jan 6. The FBI was in on the coverup of Hunter Biden’s lap­top. Russ­ian Col­lu­sion Illu­sion.
  • Trump was right: Russ­ian col­lu­sion was a hoax. Good luck regain­ing the pub­lic’s trust. The FBI does not dis­pute the spe­cial coun­sels find­ings, but says it has already tak­en action and added safe­guards in its inves­ti­ga­tion. BS
  • FBI again refus­es to share doc­u­ment repub­li­cans say proves Biden was involved in crim­i­nal bribery scheme with a for­eign nation­al 24 hours after McCarthy said they would hand it over.
  • The Bidens dont have busi­ness deal­ings yet the SARs are to Bidens Shell LLCs on the mon­ey trans­fers from for­eign coun­tries.
  • Biden again makes bizarre claims son Beau died in Iraq to Marines not from brain can­cer. He died of Brain Can­cer
  • Ukraine is run­ning out of ammo. The west does­nt have enough. In the era of drones and SI the war between Rus­sia and Ukraine has in many ways become a con­test to see which coun­try can get their hands on the most 155-mm how­itzer shells. In the Ukraine war, Chi­na is the only win­ner. With the west stuck in anoth­er pro­tract­ed and unwinnable war, and Rus­sia grow­ing more depen­dent on Bei­jing, Chi­na is posi­tioned to come out of the con­flict more pow­er­ful than before.
  • Kari Lake los­es anoth­er court bat­tle in bid to over­turn AZ guber­na­to­r­i­al defeat.
  • Key repub­li­can recruits hes­i­tate to jump in if Trump is the nom­i­nee.
  • Tim Scott, sen­ates only black repub­li­can, enters GOP pri­ma­ry.
  • Ron DeSan­tis pres­i­den­tial cam­paigns could be brief. The media will stop him in hopes that get­ting Trump could be their win.
  • Ful­ton DA teas­es pos­si­ble August charges in Trump probe.

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