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We are on Indictment Watch

  • We are on indict­ment watch. Remem­ber when the doc­u­ments case came out. And they raid­ed Mar-a-Lago then every­one had them. There were enor­mous amounts of doc­u­ments that Joe Biden has had for years. Think about the deep state cor­po­rate media on the FBI doc­u­ment on the Biden bribery scheme, they refuse to hand over the doc­u­ment. We have a doc­u­ment prov­ing the Biden Crime fam­i­ly. But they are get­ting ready to indict Don­ald Trump on doc­u­ments that he had in Mar-a-Lago . We nev­er hear about Joes doc­u­ments. The one doc­u­ment that proves Biden’s crimes and the deep state wont be released.
  • Har­ri­et Hage­man high­lights that not one of Bidens admin­is­tra­tions has ever worked in the pri­vate sec­tor. Trump is going to flip this over and is going to stop the bureau­cra­cy. JOe Bidens admin­is­tra­tion is an entire­ly deep state.
  • Pence is to announce today.
  • Kennedy says that Pfiz­er fun­nels mon­ey through CNN to Ander­son Coop­er. Kennedy has the nerve to talk about the real issues.
  • Do you think Pence has the nerve to go after the deep state and big phar­ma? The world is con­cerned about Don­ald Trump win­ning the elec­tion. There has to be a rea­son to destroy Don­ald Trump. Why do you think polling is going up? DeSan­tis cant turn this around. They are doing all they can to destroy Trump
  • Will the indict­ment come before Sat­ur­day?

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