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With The Level of Criminals Of The Deep State, How Can Anyone Have Justice?

  • How is a marine on a sub­way charged with manslaugh­ter for defend­ing cit­i­zens on the sub­way? How do we have peo­ple in jail from Jan 6? And we have this coup that is try­ing to take down the con­sti­tu­tion­al repub­lic.
  • It can nev­er hap­pen again. The coup is still at work. 2024 elec­tion poll: Biden 47%, Trump 40%
  • Ron DeSan­tis is set to lock down sup­port from Flori­da Repub­li­can leg­is­la­tors. Trump mocks DeSan­tis for endors­ing los­ing can­di­dates. New evi­dence in clas­si­fied docs probe may under­cut Trump. New evi­dence may under­cut Trumps claim docs he took to Mar-a-Lago were auto­mat­i­cal­ly declas­si­fied.
  • For more years? Biden would defeat Trump by an even big­ger mar­gin than in 2020 if elec­tion was held today, new poll claims as DeSan­tis trails far behind trump in sep­a­rate sur­veys.
  • Remem­ber when Trump killed the kids at the bor­der. How come we arent high­light­ing Biden killing kids. Migrant girl, 8, has died in bor­der patrol cus­tody after suf­fer­ing a med­ical emer­gency while being held with her fam­i­ly at a sta­tion in TX.
  • Mon­tana Gov Greg Gian­forte bans Tik­Tok across the state and will fine Apple and Google if they offer the video shar­ing site on their app stores.
  • Trump in fresh legal per­il over clas­si­fied doc­u­ments, as Nation­al Archives says itll hand spe­cial coun­sel proof ex-pres­i­dent knew there were declas­si­fi­ca­tion rules that his pow­er did not allow him to flout. But,Biden can have all these box­es in Chi­na­Town.
  • Wash­ing­ton Post stands by its report­ing and says Pulitzer board con­clud­ed Trump-Rus­sia sto­ries were not dis­cred­it­ed as calls grow for awards to be swiped after Durham report. The paper owned by dem donor Jeff Bezos reject­ed calls to return its 2018 award. Durham report rub­bished fic­tion­al claims pushed by ex-British spy Christo­pher Steele. It comes after Amer­i­c­as most pres­ti­gious jour­nal­ism school crit­i­cized report­ing.
  • Squad demands $14 Tril­lion in fed­er­al repa­ra­tions for descen­dants of slaves. Rad­i­cal dems say a huge bill will be paid by reduc­ing defense spend­ing and trau­ma lives in the black body. House dems led by Cori Bush intro­duced a res­o­lu­tion Thurs­day to reignite a push for fed­er­al repa­ra­tions that would amount to over half of the US GDP.
  • Burt Jones says he might run for GA gov­er­nor in 2026
  • Don­ald Trump set to address the GA GOP con­ven­tion. .

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